I'm surprised the Saudis listen to them!

Back in the early 70s I shared a house that belonged to a family most of whom lived in Saudi. The restrictions were horrendous, and I don't know if they have improved. The wife and daughter weren't allowed to drive, obviously, and if they were on the streets when the time for prayers was called they were quickly ushered into a shop. They lived I think, in a sort of gated westerners encampment/estate thing where they brewed their own booze with heavy penalties if they got caught.

I was in the house once when they came back for a holiday, they were drunk the whole time. The dad was an ex RAF Air Commodore who knew everything there was to know about the Lightning aircraft that the Saudis were equipped with, so that was his job out there, overseeing the mechs on them. The daughter was a nurse, can't remember what the son did. You'll tell us if things have eased at all!
The English electric lightening was fab.
Alas no, we follow the Arab working routine here.
Sunday - Thursday.
With Fri - Sat as our weekend.
It's been like this since 2013, they previously had Thu - Fri as their weekend.
Other Arab nations changed last year to follow a more European working week, but the KSA has yet to follow suit.
Interesting. At last I have found out something I didn't know about. I told you this is the best fred on 'ere. Education, education, education.
That’s a career to be proud of.
Yep from dirt poor to a very senior officer in the RAF.
He was one of the most fun loving, warm, generous RAF officers I ever met and I was an Air cadet for 4 years. Never up himself at all. You'd never have known he was such a clever bloke.
But the Saudis saw what he was and paid him handsomely for it!!

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