..that I might join a local gym with a proper fitness suite.
Apparently as an OAP for a mere £34/month I can access all the facilities every day before 6PM.
This includes all the fitness studios, the free-weights area, the calisthenics suite the swimming pool, the Sauna.
However it may be that this is also the time that the feckless and unemployed chav's also attend and it might be gross.
I wonder if they have a PAYG daily option? I will ask, then I can scope it out without committing to a years contract. :D
How can unemployed chavs afford £34 if they have a coke habit to support as well as fags etc?
..that I might join a local gym with a proper fitness suite.
Apparently as an OAP for a mere £34/month I can access all the facilities every day before 6PM.
This includes all the fitness studios, the free-weights area, the calisthenics suite the swimming pool, the Sauna.
However it may be that this is also the time that the feckless and unemployed chav's also attend and it might be gross.
I wonder if they have a PAYG daily option? I will ask, then I can scope it out without committing to a years contract. :D
£34/month ;) .
Could you not just walk there and back each day then go and pickup your own weights?

Talking of swimming see ya in a while:).

Right I am back, sitting on the decking dipping wet with a cold beer :) .
So that’s 3 exercise sessions today, so may now go and screw the last 4 little solar lights on as the sun has gone from there now, I can say my days job list is complete even if it had a 10hr dinner/tea break in between ;).

Mornin all
Had a letter from an insurance company, it seems that a car that I scrapped 30 years ago has been involved in an accident, docs must still be in my name.
Scrap man at the time said leave the log book to me, I'll send it off.
It must have been cloned because the shell was beyond repair
Hey ho, breakfast at the cafe this morning and the sun is trying to come out
take care all :)

Tell em you want it back. 🤣
Ah very nice, I got a plant catalogue through the post so sitting with a tea reading it.


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