Mornin all
Had a letter from an insurance company, it seems that a car that I scrapped 30 years ago has been involved in an accident, docs must still be in my name.
Scrap man at the time said leave the log book to me, I'll send it off.
It must have been cloned because the shell was beyond repair
Hey ho, breakfast at the cafe this morning and the sun is trying to come out
take care all :)
Back for a quick lunch before going back doon the moontain to get the dog back from vets.
€134 correction €190 for knocking her out, cleaning her teeth up and removing a horrible wart from right between her eyes.

Much better than the £900 a mate of W's was offered to get the teeth done on her tiny lickle pooch in the UK. ;)

So did the supermarket shop, went to a leather place that does made to measure stuff on site. W had bought a coat from them a while back and one of the shoulder pads had come loose.
While the workshop was fixing it W had to go and look around didn't she?!
Saw a very nice winter coat she fancied. The eyewatering price had been massively reduced "in the sales", last one, didn't fit.
"Never mind madam, we can make you one in the next 6 weeks. Can we just measure you and would you like it in this leather or another colour?"

So she takes the measurements, checks they have the skins in stock, I stagger away and W stumps up the 2/3 price as a deposit.

It is nice and at least it is a bit cheaper than the last one she bought.:eek::eek::eek:

She has just promised she won't buy another made to measure leather coat, ever! :rolleyes:

Off to pick doggy up in a min.
Have a nice arvo folks!
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... that the choice of physical activity to enjoy was taken away from me and I spent a delightful 45 minutes wielding an angry hedge-trimmer into brambles and overgrown bushes/plants/etc. at the MIL's front garden. Just the way I wanted to use my leisure time of course. :vb-kaioken:
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Been having a relaxed-ish day today. Me-time. Put a new aux-belt idler pulley on me tratter engine, the original had some slight play in the bearing so got a replacement a couple of weeks ago. I've had a genuine one on order twice, both times refunded - they seem to be as rare as hens dentures at the mo. So the bear-mack one I got as a temporary fix has gone on, memo to self - keep checking its condition regularly :rolleyes:. And keep an eye on genuine type availability. Had a full English for lunch, and its nearly nap time:p.
Went to see our Dutch friends. They have a place near Amsterdam and apparently the fitting of new gas boilers is going to be illegal in a couple of years time. So they have got a new one on order which will be fitted this November.

We think this may well be a good idea.

Out boiler is brilliant and has cost us nearly nothing in maintenance since the house was built in 1982 odd. It isn't a combi so has none of the extraneaous complicated gubbing that new combi ones have. Every gas fitter who has serviced it says "They don't make em like this anymore whatever you do don't get rid of it!!"

We are wondering whether to bite the bullet and get one fitted anyway, or whether to just buy one and keep it until the old one packs up for ever. ;)
We are wondering whether to bite the bullet and get one fitted anyway, or whether to just buy one and keep it until the old one packs up for ever. ;)
Get the facts first, as to what might happen in the future. As I understand it, and I may well be off target here, traditional gas boilers may be banned from new-build properties from 2025. This will not affect existing properties from replacing their boilers. But - new builds and existing replacements will have to be hydrogen-ready type but still using natural gas for the time being. But, as is usual, the guvmint and industry is not yet ready for the changes, so probably nowt changes any time soon.
Get the facts first, as to what might happen in the future. As I understand it, and I may well be off target here, traditional gas boilers may be banned from new-build properties from 2025. This will not affect existing properties from replacing their boilers. But - new builds and existing replacements will have to be hydrogen-ready type but still using natural gas for the time being. But, as is usual, the guvmint and industry is not yet ready for the changes, so probably nowt changes any time soon.
just checked on ere

I did a cost comparison of the relative efficiency of my current boiler compared to a new high-efficiency combi.
Basically, any new boiler has a life-expectancy of c.10 years as its running on the edge with thin-walled high-efficiency heat-exchanger etc. and you are on a rinse-repeat buy & install cycle of costs every 10 years. This has to be offset against any boiler efficiency savings. For me it just did not cost in and I have opted to keep my 33YO Potterton going. :)
..that I might join a local gym with a proper fitness suite.
Apparently as an OAP for a mere £34/month I can access all the facilities every day before 6PM.
This includes all the fitness studios, the free-weights area, the calisthenics suite the swimming pool, the Sauna.
However it may be that this is also the time that the feckless and unemployed chav's also attend and it might be gross.
I wonder if they have a PAYG daily option? I will ask, then I can scope it out without committing to a years contract. :D
I did a cost comparison of the relative efficiency of my current boiler compared to a new high-efficiency combi.
Basically, any new boiler has a life-expectancy of c.10 years as its running on the edge with thin-walled high-efficiency heat-exchanger etc. and you are on a rinse-repeat buy & install cycle of costs every 10 years. This has to be offset against any boiler efficiency savings. For me it just did not cost in and I have opted to keep my 33YO Potterton going. :)
Ours is an Apollo, can't rmember who made it. But it must be like yours.
So feel much the same about it!!!

Might be a Thorn, I can't see if from here!!!

Arf, Arf!!

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