Morning All. :D
Just drifted off to sleep last night when "ring-ring" house phone.
Was my youngest. Can he come kip at ours for the night? .. because they have had a big row.
So up, and part dressed, spare bed made up. Then awaited his arrival. Put him a'bed then couldn't sleep for ages.
Strange how kids always "bolt for home" when in trouble ...even if they are 38 yrs old.
Have a good day. :D

Eh went home :stars:stuff that gear on pub & hotel nice breaky in the morning 🤣
Morning All. :D
Just drifted off to sleep last night when "ring-ring" house phone.
Was my youngest. Can he come kip at ours for the night? .. because they have had a big row.
So up, and part dressed, spare bed made up. Then awaited his arrival. Put him a'bed then couldn't sleep for ages.
Strange how kids always "bolt for home" when in trouble ...even if they are 38 yrs old.
Have a good day. :D
They certainly do run for home, we had two of them back during the pandemic. We have since moved to a tiny bungalow with no spare rooms :vb-good:
Mornin all,
Bit of bad news this morning, my next door neighbour passed away last night, didn't even know he was ill, saw him the other day and had a bit of banter as usual.
Just shows that you never know, he was only sixty one, having said that they were both overweight and had lots of take aways delivered so maybe that was a factor, didn't like to ask this morning.
So as a token of respect I'll have to leave cutting my steel plate till Monday and get on with tidying the sheds, have a good day all and make the best of every day. :)
Afternoon folks.

Well another day without water, lovely as it was :). Apparently they broke something when they last turned us off so now cant turn us on again, yeah right "it came off in my hand" :vb-groan2:
We have decided to have a no washing up meal tonight so we is off out;).
I have had a couple of exercise sessions so a quick spray over with the smelly can will work ok;).

Sat outside till it was dark last night, turned on the pool lights, shiiit the center light is out and that was the new 1 a few years ago.
So that will go on the list for repair before we close the pool, it can be changed with water in the pool so it would be better to do it while its still warm enough to do it;).

Anyway enjoy the rest days folks:).
See ya later:).

It's been pouring and tbh I've enjoyed it. Went to a couple of garden centres for bits, walking around and it was teeming down. Did giggle at people hiding for cover southerners don't like the rain however for me reminds me of home. Back home to put up some tomato plant covers and work on pruning plants in the rain. Fluffy pjs and tea whilst I have a chicken roasting. My mate said I'm like an old lady. 😭
Oh and b&q had a power saw cheap. 😀
We is back, fully fed and watered :) .

They are having a wedding function tonight and we walked in during setting up, no problem we is VIP:vb-hush:

Just starting to fill up as we left, 200 so gonna be a good busy night for them, which is great for them.

It's been pouring and tbh I've enjoyed it. Went to a couple of garden centres for bits, walking around and it was teeming down. Did giggle at people hiding for cover southerners don't like the rain however for me reminds me of home. Back home to put up some tomato plant covers and work on pruning plants in the rain. Fluffy pjs and tea whilst I have a chicken roasting. My mate said I'm like an old lady. 😭
Oh and b&q had a power saw cheap. 😀
We int all made a suger y'know.

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