🤣🤣 Purely brushing my long locks getting ready for bed.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel let thy hair down!!!!!!;);););)
Thank you am gonna need coffee. Feel like all I did was play rugby all night.
I didn't have a particularly restful night and don't know why but its good knowing that I don't have to do a day's work now. I do envy my dog1 who goes to bed at 10.30pm and doesn't even move a paw until 6am - he really has perfected the art of sleeping!
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I didn't have a particularly restful night but don't know why but its good knowing that I don't have to do a day's work now. I do envy my dog1 who goes to bed at 10.30pm and doesn't even move a paw until 6am - he really has perfected the art of sleeping!
I'm sure you have had my experiences of working and I'm sure when it's my time I shall enjoy it.
Right well thats the cover off the pool, quick run around with the skimming net and check all OK :) .

Put the brolly up and checked the skin to water temp at the bottom of the pool;), yep that past.
So now sat with another cuppa contemplating screwing some little solar lights to the handrails as they have just been placed for testing purpose and we like them so thats it final fix, try and get that done before the heat gets to me.

I actually over did it Sun/Mon/Tues and got badly dehydrated so had Wed/thurs off drinking a diet of water and more water, feeling fine now. I know all about the risks but seem to manage it at least once a year:vb-groan2::vb-groan2:

Forecast is for it cooling a bit next week down into the high 20s all week instead of the mid to high 30s it has been.

Oh and they have started cutting off our water again, none Tue, some on Wed, none yesterday and nothing yet today, Oh joy:(.

Anyway keep calm and carry on carrying on is all I say:):).


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