Reminds me of my time as an engineer on the M25, early 80's. The boss sent me down to oversee the demolition of a big house right on the centreline of the m-way, which needed to be levelled so the surveyors could peg out the centre line. I was to meet the "man from the electricity board", to get the leccy disconnected before the house got demolished. Got there, big CAT 245 ticking over and champing at the bit. Got the house flattened as directed. When I got back to the site office later in the day, the boss asked if the electricity got disconnected from the house ok. No I said, the man didn't turn up so we disconnected the house from the electricity. He laughed, 'elf n safety wasn't a big issue back then.
Reminds me of my time as an engineer on the M25, early 80's. The boss sent me down to oversee the demolition of a big house right on the centreline of the m-way, which needed to be levelled so the surveyors could peg out the centre line. I was to meet the "man from the electricity board", to get the leccy disconnected before the house got demolished. Got there, big CAT 245 ticking over and champing at the bit. Got the house flattened as directed. When I got back to the site office later in the day, the boss asked if the electricity got disconnected from the house ok. No I said, the man didn't turn up so we disconnected the house from the electricity. He laughed, 'elf n safety wasn't a big issue back then.
Hope the owner of the house was well compensated for the destruction of their family home...
Hope the owner of the house was well compensated for the destruction of their family home...
Highly unlikely. It was in a very prosperous part of Surrey too. Many people lost their houses, some just parts of their gardens. One old boy in his eighties and an ex-housebuilder, completely dismantled his house and moved it further back from the motorway and rebuilt it before the job started. That impressed me immensely.
I remember that in the house we knocked down, there was an old Morris 1000 traveller still in the garage. It got buried in the rubble.
And a farmer, who moved his dairy herd across the motorway twice a day for months while waiting for his new over bridge to be constructed. Cow sh!t everywhere ----.
And my claim to fame; the only time I ever went onto a golf course in my life, was to plough a motorway through it :p. (with apologies to any golfists out there).
And the wily owner whose access to his business and mansion sized home was being cut off by the new motorway, to be replaced by a dedicated bridge. He complained that the new bridge would not be wide enough for his business needs. The powers that be told him to get stuffed, that's what you are having. On day one of the project, the entire muck shifting fleet had to cross his access road. Only it couldn't as the business man had parked all his vehicles on his access road verges. After he pointed out that the compulsory purchase order only covered the tarmac area of his access road, and the verges were still his, and the documents proved this, he got his extra wide bridge.
Morning All. :D
Just drifted off to sleep last night when "ring-ring" house phone.
Was my youngest. Can he come kip at ours for the night? .. because they have had a big row.
So up, and part dressed, spare bed made up. Then awaited his arrival. Put him a'bed then couldn't sleep for ages.
Strange how kids always "bolt for home" when in trouble ...even if they are 38 yrs old.
Have a good day. :D

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