Took W to her umpteenth physio session this arvo.
Each time they put a fing on her leg with two electric pads on and leave her while it gives it a gentle jolt from time to time.
For the first time her paralysed foot started moving, left to right about once every 10 seconds.

We discussed it all on the way back home and I told her she'd best watch out if she wakes up and finds a bolt sticking out of each side of her neck.

Now busy hiding all the extension leads.:eek::eek::eek:

Better watch out when you wake up that foot will be stuffed up yer hin end 🤣 🤣
Joys of colitis still true not a screamer though. More of a piercing glare 😉😭
oops forgot you suffered with that. W has problems in that area and when she gets it she blows up like a balloon, and it is projectile wommitin if she gets a load of gluten she wasn't warned about properly. Thank God that hasn't happened for a while now.

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