Well we are back! That was interesting, no statue in the town centre that I could find anyway :)
The scan was as I thought, can't discuss the results, you will have to wait for the consultant.......
That will be next year then :cross:

Thats just the usual then they never tell you. :rolleyes: My bloods were spot on last week got to see a nice sexy doc today lol
Hope my misses dont see this or im done for :vb-smashy: She wants to call me tomorrow with the results says I can go do stuff
like work or tinker wiv stuff so if all's well tomorrow im off the hook yasss. :vb-bouncy2:
Went and picked the doggy up,
Poor thing, she has a bandage aoround her head like the portrait of Van Gogh after he cut his ear off, AND she has to wear the cone for 12 days. Still the bandage will come off in two.
Met a lady with the most adorable bloodhound puppy. Had a colleague years ago who used to enter his two in competions truly fascinating animals. But never seen a puppy before. This thing was so sweet, gentle, inquisitive and OBVIOUSLY interested in anything he could smell. Flipping enormous paws on long skinny legs, and ears that hung on the ground like King Charles' train!
They do grow to be enormous!:):):):)

Them cones are a pita you can get little comfy collars like race drivers use instead of the poor thing bashing into everything
& they are so hot the dog puffs n pants.

Yer you met a lady with nice puppys yer so no pics 😜
There's a snail in me garden bin. Big one. Each time eye go oot eye lifts the lid and its under it. If eye drop the lid down a few times it falls oft. Me bins nearly full of ivy. Takes him about an hour to climb back up. Just dropped the lid again after feeding me bin wiv orange peel.
There's a snail in me garden bin. Big one. Each time eye go oot eye lifts the lid and its under it. If eye drop the lid down a few times it falls oft. Me bins nearly full of ivy. Takes him about an hour to climb back up. Just dropped the lid again after feeding me bin wiv orange peel.

Got a giant slug in mine bin got emptied & I thought he was off to a new hoose the fecker has jumped oot the bin truck
& came back. :oops:
Apart from the issue's of cleanliness in ere, it int much different to the Freelander section. Yer tratters have the same faults as our Freelanders, except for the electrical problems. Your transfer boxes fail like ours. Your drive shafts fail like our. Your fool pumps fail like ours. Your engines don't always start like ours. Your gearboxes fail like ours. Your diff's fail like ours. Your brakes fail like ours. Yours leak disastrously but our leak a bit. Your bearings fail like ours. Your hg's fail like ours. Your water pumps fail like ours. Your turbo's fail like ours. I could go on longer...

Freelanders rule.
Still true
Thats just the usual then they never tell you. :rolleyes: My bloods were spot on last week got to see a nice sexy doc today lol
Hope my misses dont see this or im done for :vb-smashy: She wants to call me tomorrow with the results says I can go do stuff
like work or tinker wiv stuff so if all's well tomorrow im off the hook yasss. :vb-bouncy2:
Seriously crossed fingers and toes for you mate!
Them cones are a pita you can get little comfy collars like race drivers use instead of the poor thing bashing into everything
& they are so hot the dog puffs n pants.

Yer you met a lady with nice puppys yer so no pics 😜
I didn't have my phone on me. I go with very little when I am going between car and vets otherwise I'd certainly have taken a pic of the lovely pup. she was.....OK..... I ought to have asked her for her phone number and address but with her husband standing by it'd have been a bit cheeky.;)

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