Good morning!
cold and a bit wet here today.
Will be wetter later. 😢
Everything was going fine until I tired to do soemthing as innocent as move a message from my Inbox to a local folder.
It disappeard. So I tired to copy it, that didn't work either.
The folder insists there are 29 messages in it, but I can only open 3. I have tried "repair folder" that didn't work.
Very annoyed. It matters a bit as the folder is of correspondance with a buy we pay and I need to keep tabs on when he's been paid.
Mozilla Thunderbird.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I have tried Tbird's help and it isn't any, help that is.:rolleyes:
Sorry not my thing also I use paper and pen and file things old school old dog ✒✒
Good morning!
cold and a bit wet here today.
Will be wetter later. 😢
Everything was going fine until I tired to do soemthing as innocent as move a message from my Inbox to a local folder.
It disappeard. So I tired to copy it, that didn't work either.
The folder insists there are 29 messages in it, but I can only open 3. I have tried "repair folder" that didn't work.
Very annoyed. It matters a bit as the folder is of correspondance with a buy we pay and I need to keep tabs on when he's been paid.
Mozilla Thunderbird.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I have tried Tbird's help and it isn't any, help that is.:rolleyes:
Same whith us rain and cold have lite the log burner tv on midsommer murders episode 4 more bad weather on the way for all next week glad I planted most of the seed potatoes yesterday pomedoras need planting out but still to cold weather is all over the place this year 💦💦💨
Me Doc had me check mine 3x a day ferra week, averaged out at 133/89.

Tis summink to do with calc 10 year risk of heart disease that they call Qrisk.
Well spottid. Fank you.

The doc was asking me questions and entering it into somefink. Looked like hospital software but not sure what it was so din't know the name of it.. Found the Qrisk fing online so yer can have a go yerself. Mine comes oot at 3.4% risk. Someone of the same age, sex etc who is healthy is 2.1% which makes me feel betterer as I'm not far oot.

Ok peeps & peepess's doc called me & my bloods are all good I can do what I want. :mexicanwave:

Think I'll go out in the rain & replace the set of half shafts & cv joints on the tratter then got 4 tyres to fit
oh no cause they have beadloocks with loads of bolts lol
one led head light to replace got an earth fault to oh & fit a new wishywashy bottle.
Kettle on first though. :vb-agree:
Brilliant news my friend!
Hi all.
Just got some slightly bad news.
Our opposite neighbours in the UK who are totally brill and really look after our place when we are away, will be moving come November.
Despite them earning an absolute fortune with their businesses they actually only rent their place. The owner has died and his son has to sell it. They would quite like to stay there and buy it but I guess cahsflow muct enter into it and also our sh!t neighbour rather puts them off. We'll see. Maybe they won't be able to rent a suitable place and they change their plans. But if they can't we'll miss them.
Such is life, goldarn it. 😢 😢 😢
Ok peeps & peepess's doc called me & my bloods are all good I can do what I want. :mexicanwave:

Think I'll go out in the rain & replace the set of half shafts & cv joints on the tratter then got 4 tyres to fit
oh no cause they have beadloocks with loads of bolts lol
one led head light to replace got an earth fault to oh & fit a new wishywashy bottle.
Kettle on first though. :vb-agree:
Very glad to hear it!!!!! :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana:
Enjoy yourself!:):):):):):):)
Hi all.
Just got some slightly bad news.
Our opposite neighbours in the UK who are totally brill and really look after our place when we are away, will be moving come November.
Despite them earning an absolute fortune with their businesses they actually only rent their place. The owner has died and his son has to sell it. They would quite like to stay there and buy it but I guess cahsflow muct enter into it and also our sh!t neighbour rather puts them off. We'll see. Maybe they won't be able to rent a suitable place and they change their plans. But if they can't we'll miss them.
Such is life, goldarn it. 😢 😢 😢
I bet thay are ****ed off big time how long have thay been there
This morning eye was looking oot me upstairs window where the fone line connects to next doors roof. There was a really small burd sat onnit wiv its back to me. Dark brown. Imagine yerself balancing on a rope waving yer arms forward and back, to keep balance. The little burd was doing the same wiv its wings, to stay balanced on the fone line. It looked cute sat there happily looking around wiv the odd flutter as it balanced itself.
I bet thay are ****ed off big time how long have thay been there
They have been there a good few years now. Our estate is mostly owner-occupier although recently we have noticed more and more places are obviously rented. Twas never the case from the beginning, when it was built in the early 80s. All newish therefore, all detached places and quite a few bungalows. Those paying rents must be paying a lot. The sort of place where everyone is very conscious of the outward and prolly inward appearance of their place. Even us, well to an extent!
But we have noticed more and more vans as opposed to ornery and quite posh cars. So gardens are well kept, windows cleaned, outside paintwork kept good or replaced with plastic.
They always knew it was on the cards as the owner and his wife, who we knew for years, retired to that house then in rapid succession the wife died and the old man had to go into a home. So the place got rented out. In fact thinking about it they have been the only tenants so this must be getting on for 10 years or more. They run a branch of DPD and another courier company as well as having their own same day delivery service where they make a packet. So they aren't short of a bob or two, they have "about" 20 vans. (Dave, the husband couldn't remember exactly when I last spoke to him!) so they must be coining it. But I think they are looking to have a relation run the business and retire to somewhere hot, like Portugal, so they won't necessarily want to saddle themselves with a bought place. Late 40s early 50s.
We'll REALLY miss them.
On another tack.....
Boy do I hate buying DIY stuff in France.
It has taken ages for a support bar for disabled peeps to come. It arrived yessdi and today I put it up next to the bog in the guest bathroom.
It is so badly made it is untrue. Stainless tube about 1" and a bit diameter about 24 cms long bent at either end 90 degs. Nut welded into the end so you can mount a mounting plate on it.
Three screw holes per mounting plate and a push fit cover plate to go over it, same diameter hole in the middle so you slide it down the bar.
How long to put it up?
Cos the tube is so badly cut at the ends that the mounting plates, if tightened down on the nut at each end, the two won't sit flat on the wall in two dimensions.
The mounting holes were just a fraction too small to take a 4 mm threaded pan head bolt, so they had to be drilled out. (plasterboard so metal cavity fixings were needed.) so had to be really precise in drilling the wall and fitting the fittings
I thought about recutting at least one end of the tube, but the welds holding the bit holding the nut to the outer tube are so naff I didn't dare. (Don't have a welder over here).
So I ended up having fiddle around like mad to mount the plates in exactly the right position while allowing a bit of slack on the central bolt holding each plate to the tube/bar. So once all bolts were in tight the bar didn't move.
Tightened each bolt by hand then loosened off two flats and secured in place to plate with tape.
How utterly naff is that!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Still is now strong enough so W won't fall when leaning on it to get on and off the bog! and it doesn't move.
The other one in the downstairs bog I fitted years ago in about 1/2 an hour, (most of that would have been getting the tools out and putting them back) went in like a dream, is better looking and wider for grip. Prolly came from B&Q. And cost no more.

And why haven't I done this before you ask?
Well because she only needs to use it temporarily while I replace the downstairs bog. Neither of us thought it would be a big deal and, in the scheme of things it isn't and it's a good thing to have, as so many of our guests are getting to be a bit old or infirm.

Tis an age thing!
Anyway, bog replacement on for tomoz, maybe after we've been to market etc.
Sleep tite all!

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