Good morning!
cold and a bit wet here today.
Will be wetter later. 😢
Everything was going fine until I tired to do soemthing as innocent as move a message from my Inbox to a local folder.
It disappeard. So I tired to copy it, that didn't work either.
The folder insists there are 29 messages in it, but I can only open 3. I have tried "repair folder" that didn't work.
Very annoyed. It matters a bit as the folder is of correspondance with a buy we pay and I need to keep tabs on when he's been paid.
Mozilla Thunderbird.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I have tried Tbird's help and it isn't any, help that is.:rolleyes:
Good morning!
cold and a bit wet here today.
Will be wetter later. 😢
Everything was going fine until I tired to do soemthing as innocent as move a message from my Inbox to a local folder.
It disappeard. So I tired to copy it, that didn't work either.
The folder insists there are 29 messages in it, but I can only open 3. I have tried "repair folder" that didn't work.
Very annoyed. It matters a bit as the folder is of correspondance with a buy we pay and I need to keep tabs on when he's been paid.
Mozilla Thunderbird.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I have tried Tbird's help and it isn't any, help that is.:rolleyes:

Sorry not my thing im afraid.
Ok peeps & peepess's doc called me & my bloods are all good I can do what I want. :mexicanwave:

Think I'll go out in the rain & replace the set of half shafts & cv joints on the tratter then got 4 tyres to fit
oh no cause they have beadloocks with loads of bolts lol
one led head light to replace got an earth fault to oh & fit a new wishywashy bottle.
Kettle on first though. :vb-agree:
Motor insurance seems to have gone up a lot. I'm going to have to pay a good deal more for the coming year compared to the past year. Yes, I've looked around at other suppliers. Yes, I tried phoning them up and negotiating them down a bit, to no avail. I had to wait so long on the phone that my arm went numb holding the receiver. Moreover, the woman on the other end distinctly said 'Thank you for calling Argos' when I eventually got through to a human being, before correcting herself and saying 'Thank you for calling Esure'. Sounds like that call centre is handling telephone enquiries for a variety of businesses.

Doesn't exactly fill one with confidence for making a claim.
Good morning!
cold and a bit wet here today.
Will be wetter later. 😢
Everything was going fine until I tired to do soemthing as innocent as move a message from my Inbox to a local folder.
It disappeard. So I tired to copy it, that didn't work either.
The folder insists there are 29 messages in it, but I can only open 3. I have tried "repair folder" that didn't work.
Very annoyed. It matters a bit as the folder is of correspondance with a buy we pay and I need to keep tabs on when he's been paid.
Mozilla Thunderbird.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I have tried Tbird's help and it isn't any, help that is.:rolleyes:
Oops! Good luck with that.
Motor insurance seems to have gone up a lot. I'm going to have to pay a good deal more for the coming year compared to the past year. Yes, I've looked around at other suppliers. Yes, I tried phoning them up and negotiating them down a bit, to no avail. I had to wait so long on the phone that my arm went numb holding the receiver. Moreover, the woman on the other end distinctly said 'Thank you for calling Argos' when I eventually got through to a human being, before correcting herself and saying 'Thank you for calling Esure'. Sounds like that call centre is handling telephone enquiries for a variety of businesses.

Doesn't exactly fill one with confidence for making a claim.
A lot of call centres do that these day. Tis progress.
This morning eye was looking oot me upstairs window where the fone line connects to next doors roof. There was a really small burd sat onnit wiv its back to me. Dark brown. Imagine yerself balancing on a rope waving yer arms forward and back, to keep balance. The little burd was doing the same wiv its wings, to stay balanced on the fone line. It looked cute sat there happily looking around wiv the odd flutter as it balanced itself.
Motor insurance seems to have gone up a lot. I'm going to have to pay a good deal more for the coming year compared to the past year. Yes, I've looked around at other suppliers. Yes, I tried phoning them up and negotiating them down a bit, to no avail. I had to wait so long on the phone that my arm went numb holding the receiver. Moreover, the woman on the other end distinctly said 'Thank you for calling Argos' when I eventually got through to a human being, before correcting herself and saying 'Thank you for calling Esure'. Sounds like that call centre is handling telephone enquiries for a variety of businesses.

Doesn't exactly fill one with confidence for making a claim.
Mine went up a fair bit anorl. It dunt add up to much per mumf so I let it slide..

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