Why? May I ask (nosey;)) thought you didnt want to get involved in all that:confused:.

Because apparently if I don't fill a certain form in, online by a date in June, I risk a €150 fine. The whole thing is a mess apparently and the system is getting clogged up with people asking questions.
It's not just for those with income paid in France but also anyone who owns a property.
A friend who is doing his has been asked questions like "How many parking spaces do you have?" which is dumb as, like us, he just has a large open area people park on. Also arguments about whether or not a building is habitable.
I have to get involved cos of local taxation, they do that in two different ways.
all very boring.....:rolleyes:
Afternoon folks:).

Well the girls went into town today and picked the right day as it rained on & off here so not much work done TBH.

I got loads of pics sent of all sorts of bathrooms and bedrooms:rolleyes: the "east wing" is gonna get expensiveo_O. Although I did admit some of it looks very nice. Our biggest problem is we have big rooms and tall, so modern type stuff looks nice but just doesn't fill the height enough to look right (in my eyes).
Bonus is they brought chinky takeaway home:).

But other than that hope all had a good day with results and check ups.

Tomorrow is going home day for Ms friend so we will get to eat in town bonus number 2:).
Had to move electrickery yesterday to get it closer to the final point and add another socket to the Board as none of the present wire in the walls are connected. Done it this way so I can say to any builderers that any wires they come across are not live

Do you ever get the idea that it might be good to put in a false ceiling with a ton of insulation above it? With all the advantages that would bring? It wouldn't have to look like an office.
Well we are back! That was interesting, no statue in the town centre that I could find anyway :)
The scan was as I thought, can't discuss the results, you will have to wait for the consultant.......
That will be next year then :cross:
That's a pain. Best of luck for when you do hear. Maybe if it is that far away it means you don't have much to worry about.
Went and picked the doggy up,
Poor thing, she has a bandage aoround her head like the portrait of Van Gogh after he cut his ear off, AND she has to wear the cone for 12 days. Still the bandage will come off in two.
Met a lady with the most adorable bloodhound puppy. Had a colleague years ago who used to enter his two in competions truly fascinating animals. But never seen a puppy before. This thing was so sweet, gentle, inquisitive and OBVIOUSLY interested in anything he could smell. Flipping enormous paws on long skinny legs, and ears that hung on the ground like King Charles' train!
They do grow to be enormous!:):):):)

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