Struggling like F to open a personal secure space on the Frog tax website.
As soo as i get to the part where it says "click here to send a pic of your passport" a screen opens up, in English asking me to open up some other rubbish so that I can stay in touch with stuff across other accounts. That I either don't have or don't want to use.
So I sent them a human style email asking a human style question.
That'll fool them.;)
Afternoon folks:).

Well the girls went into town today and picked the right day as it rained on & off here so not much work done TBH.

I got loads of pics sent of all sorts of bathrooms and bedrooms:rolleyes: the "east wing" is gonna get expensiveo_O. Although I did admit some of it looks very nice. Our biggest problem is we have big rooms and tall, so modern type stuff looks nice but just doesn't fill the height enough to look right (in my eyes).
Bonus is they brought chinky takeaway home:).

But other than that hope all had a good day with results and check ups.

Tomorrow is going home day for Ms friend so we will get to eat in town bonus number 2:).
Had to move electrickery yesterday to get it closer to the final point and add another socket to the Board as none of the present wire in the walls are connected. Done it this way so I can say to any builderers that any wires they come across are not live


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