Problem for you to solve
In the new Verisure Alarm advert, what does the man in blue with the bun say at the end ????
no subtitles available, doin my ed in trying to figure it out :mad:
Weirdly i too wondered. I think he says "Should I get one then?" or words to that effect, and the others kind of indicate that he should!!!
Feckin hate that ad, but then I hate all ads. Does my head in when we watch anything live!:mad:
What have yer done different to other days?
Not a lot, except measured slightly later in the day. So instead of an 11AM to 11AM reading I had an 11AM till later reading. Oh, AND I put the heating on for an extra hour last night when we came home because it had "tripped" and the house was cold when we got home from the wedding we went to. Maybe that's the difference and it will average back to a lower figure later ( he said hopefully). :)
snowed here tonight. :eek:
...and we are close to the Thames so we hardly ever get snow.
Sounds like too nice for his own good.
One fine day she'll wake up in an empty bed with a note on the pillow.
"The worm finally turned"

"And took the duvet with him"!!:D:D:D

he's @lre@dy s@id hes sick of her mo@ning @ w@s thinking of t@king @ job in portsmouth.
more like w@it till shes pished n t@ke her outside with the duvet n le@ve her n ch@nge the locks :D

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