Morning All. :D
Chilly out there. :(
Slow-cooked beef tonight. Got to get it in the cooker by 11. :)
From this meal we will steal some of the gravy to use with the Fillet steaks on Xmas day. :)
House is struggling to get warmed up. Only 17° in here. :( £££'s being burnt by the boiler as I type. :(
1st World problems eh? Have a great day. :D
No snow here today. There was snow in Wales over the weekend though. It's pretty chilly and the frost looks like it's going to stick around all day. Xylia's resisted the temptation to fiddle with the central heating controls so they're still down at an affordable 12 C. I'm so proud of her.
won @ bottle of spiced rum n two bottles of wine one red one white in the loc@l bowling club
went for the quiz n r@ffle c@rd g@mes, very funny @s they ch@nged @ll the contents some
peeps got s@lt n cooking oil ect which they thought w@s whiskey hehe :D:D
once your c@rd w@s shouted you t@ke wh@t you w@nt from @ny t@ble fookn hil@rious lol

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