... that I have got my 'orspital appointment for my scans. :)
20th Dec AM. So should get the result in the New Year. :)
Fed up with the persistent dull ache in the kidney area, it can go and do one. :mad:
Good luck with the scans and may all your results be negative (in a positive way!).
I have an appointment on the 29th December for a scan too, it seems they are working over the holiday season :D
Even though my antenna is not in a good place atm, I have managed 14 different countries via 23 contacts. Distance of 3787 miles best report :)

My central heating engineer advised us to keep it on 'cos that was the best way of conserving fuel - it takes very little to 'tick over' but lots to get a house back up to temperature once it had been allowed to go cold. Even when I go away, I leave the heating on, leaving the temperature set just 3 degrees lower.
This is what we thought until we looked into it. I think it must make a difference how well insulated your house is, but for ours it makes sense to do what most do. i.e. turn it off at night and back on in the morning.
However a brill compromise might be to turn it down at night to say 12 degs then back up, a bit before you get up, then you get the best of both worlds.
This is what we thought until we looked into it. I think it must make a difference how well insulated your house is, but for ours it makes sense to do what most do. i.e. turn it off at night and back on in the morning.
However a brill compromise might be to turn it down at night to say 12 degs then back up, a bit before you get up, then you get the best of both worlds.
Ours is set at 16 degrees at night and 18 during the day. The bungalow stays quite constant with a minimal input from the boiler. It helps being a tiny place but our costs are less than a quarter of most people on here.
Ours is set at 16 degrees at night and 18 during the day. The bungalow stays quite constant with a minimal input from the boiler. It helps being a tiny place but our costs are less than a quarter of most people on here.
Can see that. Ours is really well insulated by the standards of the time it was built 1982 or so. but the boiler dates from that time as well. Functions brilliantly but prolly uses more gas than a modern one. And the house is big but we only use parts of it, so the heat must be leaking into those rooms. They do feel a lot colder to go into though.
Not worth buying a noo boiler, they cost a feck load tn and then break down more often than ours ever has. and I can fix it when it does for peanuts, it is so simple. Fink we'd rather take the hit in the cost of gas than the cost of a noo one, and then still have to pay for gas.
Safe travels! :D
We are going up in the Disco as usual but I think this cold snap will have ended by then, unless there is then another one. What bothers me more is that with all the train strikes there will be more on the roads, although the 20th seems to be free of them at the moment.
Still we always travel long distances in the winter with water, provisions, blankets, a tank full of doozel, torches, tools and a shovel. All our Christmas food will be in crates or cool boxes. We'll survive!!;):):)

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