Just assembled a rather sh!t bathroom lickle chest of drawers thing.
I din't have any say in what was got.
Bound to have been cheap!:eek::(

Anyway, I got about 1/4 way into it and was putting in those camlock things in. Done thousands of them over the years, but this one male bit wasn't going in straight and risked ruining the sh!tboard it was being screwed into.
So I looked at it closer.
The end with the cross head was bent.
so I immediately counted up those left cos sometimes there is one or two over.
So went into the garage, put in into and on the vice, 'it it wiv an 'ammer.
Got it straight-ish.
Went to put it in having had the sense to take out one that was OK so the hole was already threaded as it were. Put it in with pliers in case the lack of absolute striaghtness becam a problem. Got it fairly tight in, went to finish it off with the screwdriver. The feckin thing being made more or less of blancmange the Phillips cross had got a bit squished and wouldn't take the blade.:rolleyes::mad: so finished it off with a bit more strength and the pliers holding it at a right angle. In the end it was OK. Fitted the next bit then went to look amongst the tiny placcy bags for the next fitting and found a little bag.
On it was printed "spares".:rolleyes:
And there was a spare of the feckin thing I'd been muckin around with!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Never seen a spares bag before.:rolleyes:
Every day is a school day.:D:D:D:D
Talking of Clubcards from Tesco @Hippo :
W bought three botts of spirits tother day, fo Christmas and a present, saved about £20 with her Clubcard,
Things like this:

£12 saving on a bottle of Talisker!!!! :):):):)
loads of others!
(I do know you don't drink, (I think), but still there is loads of other offers!)
Got both :D. CB gets rarely used now. And it annoys family members when I give them a cheque, usual response is can't I do a bank transfer on me phone? Its only a few months since I got a phone which does more than phone calls n texts. :rolleyes:
I still have my fold open old Motorola. Cheap as chips on Tesco pay as you go.
I only got a secondhand Android last year as we had to be able to prove NHS vaccination status while going to France. Still don't use it often for anything else. Except taking pics if I am not near my digital SLR. Wrote the wife a cheque yesterday.

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