No you misunderstand.
I know icing sugar has no gluten in , i just meant that a cake made with non gluten flour is different slightly in taste and more so in texture, so maybe that would make a difference to how your recipe would come out.
But thanks for coming up with the idea!:):):)
Sorry my sarcasm took over. It shouldn't do. I'm sure your good lady will know how to do the quantities mixed
Hands too slippery to write them usually...
Spoke to the 'orspital today after seeing a "missed call".
Was expecting/hoping to be let off going in for another scan and being called a "fraud" for wasting their time.
But NO. :(
They want me back in for another one on Tuesday. Ho-Hum.
Guy stressed it was NOT ominous, just thoroughness, so I am not getting all "fretty" about it. :)
Spoke to the 'orspital today after seeing a "missed call".
Was expecting/hoping to be let off going in for another scan and being called a "fraud" for wasting their time.
But NO. :(
They want me back in for another one on Tuesday. Ho-Hum.
Guy stressed it was NOT ominous, just thoroughness, so I am not getting all "fretty" about it. :)
They probably messed up the first one :rolleyes:
Spoke to the 'orspital today after seeing a "missed call".
Was expecting/hoping to be let off going in for another scan and being called a "fraud" for wasting their time.
But NO. :(
They want me back in for another one on Tuesday. Ho-Hum.
Guy stressed it was NOT ominous, just thoroughness, so I am not getting all "fretty" about it. :)
It's good not to waste time and energy on "fretty". Too many folks go down the rabbit hole when faced with such a situation. It's all about one day at a time. :cool:
Neither have I , I get the Butler to do mine. I just have to sign them :)
I knew a posh lady, only mifddle aged but could be a bit eccentric. She would go into a bank to draw cash out like we used to have to do, she passed her cheque book over the counter and the bod would say, "but the cheque is blank madam!" To which she would say, "I pay enough in bank charges, you make it out and I'll sign it!"
Course now we don't pay those anymore unless we are a business.
(Unlike in Frogland where you pay varying amounts)
Spoke to the 'orspital today after seeing a "missed call".
Was expecting/hoping to be let off going in for another scan and being called a "fraud" for wasting their time.
But NO. :(
They want me back in for another one on Tuesday. Ho-Hum.
Guy stressed it was NOT ominous, just thoroughness, so I am not getting all "fretty" about it. :)
Fingers still crossed. :):):)
Morning All :D
A special day! It's the MIL's 93rd birthday. :)
This means I shall be paying her a visit with the missus later this morning.
She's getting rather absent-minded and isn't really with it, but she's adamant she's OK (this despite the teacakes on fire under her grill while she's watching "loose women"). :)
Mention a "home" to her and she declares she will kill herself. :D
What she doesn't realise is that when that day comes she will be too far gone to even know what's happening, bless her.
Have a good day! :D
You could always invite her to come and live with you, so you can look after her.

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