Love the radar scanner thing on the roof!!! Very James Bond!!
Do you kip in it then?
Wondrin if you're gonna buy the crash pad, that has already crashed and burned. ;):D
Gettin it to rent out to tourists/holiday makers then?;)

I didnt bid in the end as I couldnt get in to see the extent of the damage, I had all my tools but they
had rounded all the screw heads so the timber couldnt be removed I did think of putting the chainsaw
through it haha (someone would probably report me) o_O
Yer I have a tv licence detector fitted on the roof. :D Na didnt kip in the van I drove home to my own water bed. :D
... that I was a Silly Billy and left my new phone in the back of the cab that brought me home from the hospital.
Call to the cab office and the driver had it and I paid for him to bring it to my home. Doh!
But £15 cab fare is less of a loss than a £150 phone. :D

Done that last year, left it on the train & the cleaner answered it as I was phoning it from another
phone. Gave him 20 quid. :):)
... that I was a Silly Billy and left my new phone in the back of the cab that brought me home from the hospital.
Call to the cab office and the driver had it and I paid for him to bring it to my home. Doh!
But £15 cab fare is less of a loss than a £150 phone. :D
I bet you called yourself worse than that!
But still you got it back, phew, relief!!;):):):)
Gottid soaked first toot, started replacing broken slabs (job aborted) mega rain :(
Got my bro to pick up a set of wheels for me.. then when oot to meet him & went to spoons for
a wee munch n a drink.
Misshun complished. 0.9 sovs from tesco. 4 fer 2 sovs wivva club card. Ow does eye gets onner thems. Yer gorra go online ferrit.
Tis worff it.
We have Tesco credit cards and they combine with being Clubcards. We both have had them for years. We used to be able to pay for Christmas with all the points we got from it. you earn them every time you pay for stuff with it. I use nothing else in the UK. just like W uses her John Lewis card, get loads of points
BESTEST idea, go to Sainsberries, use your Nectar card then pay with your Tesco card, double bubble on points!!
Dottir eventually showed up for her afternoon tea! at about 7 o'clock!
She'd had to to go in in to work at short notice, to act as her boss's friend, as she, like loads of uni staff all over the country, is facing redundancy.
Dottir is lucky, she won't be made redundant at least for this year.
But hearing her talking of the details and the choices or lack of them that said person will have, is very soberin.
Still, she brought grandson round who we haven't seen in the house for 2 and a bit years due to Covid. He is off to the Falklands for 4 months, (He's the one who is a vehicle tech in the RAF). He's been offered further training but is jibbing at the book work necessary as he is dyslexic and finds it all hard, even though his girlfriend will be doing it, she being the same as him in the RAF. He don't seem to have a lot of get up and go, which is a shame.
Obvs gave him the penny lecture.
Don't know if the penny will drop!
Wonderin if the GF does it and he don't how long their relationship will last.
(Having girlfriends and living together while being in the Services. God how the world has changed!!):eek:
Good thing really,;);):):):)
Youngest pup has a medical suit on to stop the other pup trying to pup her...
feckn nightmare fkn pant pant pant winge winge winge he's getting done before her next season.
(edit I do mean the chop) btw
I think you mean the snip!
If he got the chop you'd be eating him later on!!

Feck me the electric Range Rover seats are working as soon as they connect the noo batt!
it 's an off roading special FFS!:eek:

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