Tis worff it.
We have Tesco credit cards and they combine with being Clubcards. We both have had them for years. We used to be able to pay for Christmas with all the points we got from it. you earn them every time you pay for stuff with it. I use nothing else in the UK. just like W uses her John Lewis card, get loads of points
BESTEST idea, go to Sainsberries, use your Nectar card then pay with your Tesco card, double bubble on points!!
Will eye really get 4 packets fer 2 sov's if eye swipe a club card at the till? Thats worrit ses on the shelf. Seems a bit too easy to gerra discount. 0.9 sovs each nornally.

Eye get point fer me sainsberrys credit card. ;)
Will eye really get 4 packets fer 2 sov's if eye swipe a club card at the till? Thats worrit ses on the shelf. Seems a bit too easy to gerra discount. 0.9 sovs each nornally.

Eye get point fer me sainsberrys credit card. ;)
Yep they do have special club card prices/deals.
We hardly ever go to Tescos, we tend to get our groceries delivered. And that is from another shop anyway.
I'm sure the benefits must be explained on their website but have to confess I never looked.
Morning All :D
A special day! It's the MIL's 93rd birthday. :)
This means I shall be paying her a visit with the missus later this morning.
She's getting rather absent-minded and isn't really with it, but she's adamant she's OK (this despite the teacakes on fire under her grill while she's watching "loose women"). :)
Mention a "home" to her and she declares she will kill herself. :D
What she doesn't realise is that when that day comes she will be too far gone to even know what's happening, bless her.
Have a good day! :D
Morning All :D
A special day! It's the MIL's 93rd birthday. :)
This means I shall be paying her a visit with the missus later this morning.
She's getting rather absent-minded and isn't really with it, but she's adamant she's OK (this despite the teacakes on fire under her grill while she's watching "loose women". :)
Mention a "home" to her and she declares she will kill herself. :D
What she doesn't realise is that when that day comes she will be too far gone to even know what's happening, bless her.
Have a good day! :D
My Sister and I recently put our mother into a care home after she broke her hip. She is 99. The home.was.very good I thought, very friendly and caring staff and according to my mother, the food was great and there was tea on tap. However she hated being there and after a month my sister decided to take out and look after her at her home. I felt she should have waited a few more weeks to see if she settled in. Now she is driving my sister mad.

My Sister and I recently put our mother into a care home after she broke her hip. She is 99. The home.was.very good I thought, very friendly and caring staff and according to my mother, the food was great and there was tea on tap. However she hated being there and after a month my sister decided to take out and look after her at her home. I felt she should have waited a few more weeks to see if she settled in. Now she is driving my sister mad.

Sorry to hear it, some take to life in a "home" really well and enjoy all the common-room company and being "looked-after", others don't.
The MIL's next door neighbour (96) went in this year and absolutely loves it. But she's a bossy "organiser" and "joiner" character, my MIL isn't.
But as the years pass she is becoming more and more of a burden on my poor wife, while the rest of her family steer clear. :(
Except for her wastrel brother who pops round each week to relieve his mother of £50 of her Pension money, the disgusting idle scumbag scrote. :mad:
Sorry to hear it, some take to life in a "home" really well and enjoy all the common-room company and being "looked-after", others don't.
The MIL's next door neighbour (96) went in this year and absolutely loves it. But she's a bossy "organiser" and "joiner" character, my MIL isn't.
But as the years pass she is becoming more and more of a burden on my poor wife, while the rest of her family steer clear. :(
Except for her wastrel brother who pops round each week to relieve his mother of £50 of her Pension money, the disgusting idle scumbag scrote. :mad:
I had a brother like that but he croaked it last year, I cant say I miss him. The main reason my mother couldnt settle.in the home is she is virtually blind and deaf as a post so she found it hard to communicate with the other residents.

I had a brother like that but he croaked it last year, I cant say I miss him. The main reason my mother couldnt settle.in the home is she is virtually blind and deaf as a post so she found it hard to communicate with the other residents.

Oh mate that's so sad. Poor lady. I should imagine your poor sister is really having a hard time of it. :(
My Sister and I recently put our mother into a care home after she broke her hip. She is 99. The home.was.very good I thought, very friendly and caring staff and according to my mother, the food was great and there was tea on tap. However she hated being there and after a month my sister decided to take out and look after her at her home. I felt she should have waited a few more weeks to see if she settled in. Now she is driving my sister mad.

Only liking this cos it's the roolz. Such a shame, but I guess she just missed the freedom or summat.:(:(:(
EDIT, since read your post, it makes complete sense.:(:(
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