You could always invite her to come and live with you, so you can look after her.
It has been mentioned, but she won't have that either.
Maybe, she will go suddenly like her 95 YO mother (who she nursed) who cried out at 6AM "Ohhh Dotty I feel sick" and then just went out like a light with a mahoosive stroke.
No suffering, a pampered life and no lingering painful end. Perfect! :)
Truth hurts
Truth was the name of my African ex-boyfriend , I can honestly say he did hurt
It has been mentioned, but she won't have that either.
Maybe, she will go suddenly like her 95 YO mother (who she nursed) who cried out at 6AM "Ohhh Dotty I feel sick" and then just went out like a light with a mahoosive stroke.
No suffering, a pampered life and no lingering painful end. Perfect! :)
Was discussing this with family just this afternoon. One side of my parentage, have lingering illness (strokes and the like) before death, the other side come home from the pub and suddenly drop dead. Think I'll be going to the pub more often -----
Was discussing this with family just this afternoon. One side of my parentage, have lingering illness (strokes and the like) before death, the other side come home from the pub and suddenly drop dead. Think I'll be going to the pub more often -----
Both sides of my family are lingering sick notes...... looks like I need to go play with the traffic if I want to avoid a nursing home :eek:
Last time I drove was June just before being hospitalised. To be fair I used to spend around £250 a month on petrol in the P38.
I don't miss driving or the costs involved :D
Perhaps I will buy another vehicle but converting to hand controls is expensive.
Having watched another thing where the coroner etc get involved, W and I had the discussion about "what if you need to pull the plug and if you don't and I end up a vegetable, etc."
Fun things you chat about over a cream tea!
Anyway I left her in no uncertain terms knowing that if there is any risk of me becoming a veggie, no thanks, pull the plug and give my bits to others.
She said she wouldn't have done if I hadn't told her.:rolleyes:
Enjoy what is left of the evening folks!!:):):)
First petrol I bought was when I was 14 or thereabouts, for my Raleigh moped field bike. Used to unbolt the petrol tank and take it to the petrol station for a gallon of 2-stroke petrol, which cost 6 shillings and threepence a gallon. 31p in todays money :eek:
Yep back in 1972 when I got my first car it was 35 p a gallon. But then I was only earning £20 a week!

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