Perish the thought!
It's a standard sand filter.
but yes backwashing the filter fairly religiously is what we do. I think not being here for as long over the last two years may have had an effect. I'll get it sorted, just a matter of time and I first off have to source and fit a new pressure gauge as the old one is well fecked!
Thet'll tell me if I have anything serious to deal with, like a blocked pipe.
All I know is that we have had some very weird dirt/sand come over from the Sahara a year or two back. Where it settled on wall tops etc it turned them reddish. When I went to clear it off the bottom of the pool it was far more tenacious than most dust is, but I did manage to hoover it up.I am wondering now if it is sticking to the sand in a similarly tenacious fashion and that is why pressure or suction seems to be down despite all the visible filters being clean.

The sand dont last forever;) Changed ours a couple of years ago after a bad bout of alge think it was 8yrs old, it made a huge diff. Get in there its not to bad a job to scoop it out.

Off to watch the F1 with no Suzy or grid girls;):D.
I sorted the shed and put the two new cnc machines in there. Just toys really but good fun :)
Shed update 01.jpg
Went out to put the hens to bed at aboput 10 p.m. heard the hooves of the feckin deer making off after clunking them against the wooden sides of the raised beds.
I had been planning to lie in wait for them at about 1 a.m. as that is when they appeared on the trail cam, with my powerful torch and the hose set to jet.
Been out a few times since.
No sign of em.
Went out to put the hens to bed at aboput 10 p.m. heard the hooveDeer 1 - Stan ) s of the feckin deer making off after clunking them against the wooden sides of the raised beds.
I had been planning to lie in wait for them at about 1 a.m. as that is when they appeared on the trail cam, with my powerful torch and the hose set to jet.
Been out a few times since.
No sign of em.
Deer 1 - Stan 0 :):rolleyes:
Deer 1 - Stan 0 :):rolleyes:
Yer well, not funny.
Wifey puts so much of her heart and soul into her veg gardening, so it is more Deer 1 Wifey 0.
I just hope I put the fear of God into them.
We'll be getting electric fencing and one of those automatic sense and squirt jobbies as according to the net they are the most effective, beyond building stoopid feck off high double fencing.
I've been out twice since sneaking around in the dark until I have the hose gun in my hand and switch on the powerful torch.
Oh dear.:(:(
Just had W in tears.
The fecking deer have got even further into her veg patch and eaten the tops of most of the special beans she was growing for me.
Any ideas anyone?
We've already thought of removing the raspberry canes and growing stuff inside that cage.
But what little barstewards they are!
We've never had this problem before. You can see their hoof marks. I think a new intruder light is called for. They too never seem to last long. But for how long would it dissuade them?
She is now digging up the ones that can be saved and putting them in pots that we'll take in at night and put out during the day.
Oh dear. Eye fink its nice having deer around.
Yer well, not funny.
Wifey puts so much of her heart and soul into her veg gardening, so it is more Deer 1 Wifey 0.
I just hope I put the fear of God into them.
We'll be getting electric fencing and one of those automatic sense and squirt jobbies as according to the net they are the most effective, beyond building stoopid feck off high double fencing.
I've been out twice since sneaking around in the dark until I have the hose gun in my hand and switch on the powerful torch.
Venison for tea my dear ?
Yes Deer its lovely....
Yer well, not funny.
Wifey puts so much of her heart and soul into her veg gardening, so it is more Deer 1 Wifey 0.
I just hope I put the fear of God into them.
We'll be getting electric fencing and one of those automatic sense and squirt jobbies as according to the net they are the most effective, beyond building stoopid feck off high double fencing.
I've been out twice since sneaking around in the dark until I have the hose gun in my hand and switch on the powerful torch.
Sorry for the losses. Sadly the Deer will just see it as "tasty treats" left out for them to enjoy. :(
Unless you put the beds in enclosed cages, polytunnel's or greenhouses I fear you will just suffer ongoing opportunistic attacks/thefts.
We raised a Horse Chestnut tree from Conker to about 4-foot and donated it to a local Sally Army run farm. They forgot to encase it in chicken wire and the goats ring-barked it.
A family joke here is "Spiny Norman" a pine tree we dug up as a forest floor sapling in the highlands of Tenerife. He was cosseted in his home soil inside two pop-bottles with the ends cut off with one as a slip-cover over the other.
They grow to 50-60 feet or more and have a straight trunk with just a cluster of foliage at the top and nowhere else.
He lived on the kitchen window-sill for a year and grew well. Then Wifey decided to "harden him up" and put him in a growing on pot outside.
Sadly, the snail community loved his delicate young bark and killed him within a day or so. :(

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