Still here …
Dad has to have a chest x-ray, IV fluids and a cup of tea according to the Doc…
Man alive you will be paying rent there at this rate.... Hope all is ok... its bizarre how so many chest/breathing issues for older folk come out in the hotter weather, I would have expected the opposite but I know nothing.

I cant believe a difference 24 hours makes, had a coat on last night and had to light the fire :(
Freaky, wife spoke to her mum, her dad 80+ was sick yesterday morning suspected stroke. Called A&E and waited 4 hours for an ambulance who took him to hospital and then sat outside with him in it for 8 1/2 hours. Finally in last night and this morning they think it was just a bad reaction to the COVID jab he has on FRI so waiting for ambulance to take him home. What a waste of ambulance time :(
Part of my brekfus, morning croissants, i think i am going to call it the "Baker's revenge"

Made i laugh loads!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
Afternoon folks:).

Well had the day off:).
Lid off the pool and have been swimming between MotoGP races:D. 1 more after this. Got to say its been good racing and great to see our Suzie with her legs out:p;).
Ms mum may get out of hospital today, but they still haven't said what's needed to fix hero_O Maybe all will be revealed when M picks her up.

Planning the work for next week and it involves some early mornings to get stuff done before the sun cooks me:). Lets see how that plan pans out:eek:.

Afternoon folks:).

Well had the day off:).
Lid off the pool and have been swimming between MotoGP races:D. 1 more after this. Got to say its been good racing and great to see our Suzie with her legs out:p;).
Ms mum may get out of hospital today, but they still haven't said what's needed to fix hero_O Maybe all will be revealed when M picks her up.

Planning the work for next week and it involves some early mornings to get stuff done before the sun cooks me:). Lets see how that plan pans out:eek:.

Feel for you mate!!
I find the only way I can do it sometimes is by forcing myself to work before brekfus, as I hate anything getting between me and it!!
So then grim determination sets in.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Feel for you mate!!
I find the only way I can do it sometimes is by forcing myself to work before brekfus, as I hate anything getting between me and it!!
So then grim determination sets in.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Yep. Having worked mostly around the equator for 20yrs and here during the summer I am careful, have overdone it here before and suffered for it.
Always have good drinks in the fridge to replace salts and stuff, but have to admit that I don't drink enough fluids.

Hasn't all been good today.:(:(:(


Of course when you buy a kitchen and take it abroad ........:rolleyes:
B&Q sh!te.:mad::mad::mad:
They are allegedly still available. (But "currently unavailable" at B&Q)
One broke some time ago but fortunately I had a spare.
Just the one.
Stoopid potmetal that is overstressed as soon as you put one on and use it.
I can pinch the one off the fake drawer where the gas bottle hides, and then I'll have to glue one of the broken ones together again and put it there.
Others have commented about how many they have bruk. and how many replacements have bruk too.
And you can't find any other drawer handle that has such a wide fitting.
ah well!:(:(
Yep. Having worked mostly around the equator for 20yrs and here during the summer I am careful, have overdone it here before and suffered for it.
Always have good drinks in the fridge to replace salts and stuff, but have to admit that I don't drink enough fluids.

Wifey is the same. even though I make her take drinks out with her. she takes out a titchy bottle of watter and then doesn't touch it. I put botts of watter in the fridge and take them out, get through about 1 litre every two hours.
Then a pinch of salt in the palm of my hand, lick a bit, drink some sweetish, fizzy drink, lick a bit more, etc till it's gone.
working anywhere near the equator would totally do for me. :eek::eek::eek:

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