Been and collected me tratter from sil's where it has been in storage while I was on hollybobs. Took me jump starter just in case, but dint need it as it started on the button in half a turn of the injun. And had a nice drive home with the wireless on. Soul washed, now for an afternoon of double nothing :D
You seem to have enjoyed your time away!:):):)
Afternoon folks:).

Well had the day off:).
Lid off the pool and have been swimming between MotoGP races:D. 1 more after this. Got to say its been good racing and great to see our Suzie with her legs out:p;).
Ms mum may get out of hospital today, but they still haven't said what's needed to fix hero_O Maybe all will be revealed when M picks her up.

Planning the work for next week and it involves some early mornings to get stuff done before the sun cooks me:). Lets see how that plan pans out:eek:.

You and your Suzy!
I googled "Suzy with her legs out"

you can guess what came up!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D
...that our pool doesn't seem to be pumping/filtering very well at the mo.
I have gone through most of the usual stuff we do on our return over ere so am a bit mystified.:(
am dreading that I might have to replace the sand in the thing that looks like a world war 2 mine!
Hmmm, this will take some thinking about.;)
Oh dear.:(:(
Just had W in tears.
The fecking deer have got even further into her veg patch and eaten the tops of most of the special beans she was growing for me.
Any ideas anyone?
We've already thought of removing the raspberry canes and growing stuff inside that cage.
But what little barstewards they are!
We've never had this problem before. You can see their hoof marks. I think a new intruder light is called for. They too never seem to last long. But for how long would it dissuade them?
She is now digging up the ones that can be saved and putting them in pots that we'll take in at night and put out during the day.
...that our pool doesn't seem to be pumping/filtering very well at the mo.
I have gone through most of the usual stuff we do on our return over ere so am a bit mystified.:(
am dreading that I might have to replace the sand in the thing that looks like a world war 2 mine!
Hmmm, this will take some thinking about.;)
Is that a Diatomaceous earth filter? The standard "fix" for my one in the pool I had in California was to backwash the filter once a week/month (as needed). :D
Is that a Diatomaceous earth filter? The standard "fix" for my one in the pool I had in California was to backwash the filter once a week/month (as needed). :D
Perish the thought!
It's a standard sand filter.
but yes backwashing the filter fairly religiously is what we do. I think not being here for as long over the last two years may have had an effect. I'll get it sorted, just a matter of time and I first off have to source and fit a new pressure gauge as the old one is well fecked!
Thet'll tell me if I have anything serious to deal with, like a blocked pipe.
All I know is that we have had some very weird dirt/sand come over from the Sahara a year or two back. Where it settled on wall tops etc it turned them reddish. When I went to clear it off the bottom of the pool it was far more tenacious than most dust is, but I did manage to hoover it up.I am wondering now if it is sticking to the sand in a similarly tenacious fashion and that is why pressure or suction seems to be down despite all the visible filters being clean.

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