My Son & Grandson arrived here yesterday with this gift for "Father's Day".
It's another lovely day 'ere, too.

I think our Stan is 'aving a sense of humour failure. :( I sympathise with 'is problem but getting angry is not going to solve it. :(
Who's angry? Didn't you see the three :D I put at the end of my reply to Hippos comment?
I am more upset at seeing W crying over her ruined and eaten crops than angry, which I think is reasonable.
Especially as she was growing them for me as she doesn't even eat them.
Thanks for your sympathy, anyway.
Sorry for the losses. Sadly the Deer will just see it as "tasty treats" left out for them to enjoy. :(
Unless you put the beds in enclosed cages, polytunnel's or greenhouses I fear you will just suffer ongoing opportunistic attacks/thefts.
We raised a Horse Chestnut tree from Conker to about 4-foot and donated it to a local Sally Army run farm. They forgot to encase it in chicken wire and the goats ring-barked it.
A family joke here is "Spiny Norman" a pine tree we dug up as a forest floor sapling in the highlands of Tenerife. He was cosseted in his home soil inside two pop-bottles with the ends cut off with one as a slip-cover over the other.
They grow to 50-60 feet or more and have a straight trunk with just a cluster of foliage at the top and nowhere else.
He lived on the kitchen window-sill for a year and grew well. Then Wifey decided to "harden him up" and put him in a growing on pot outside.
Sadly, the snail community loved his delicate young bark and killed him within a day or so. :(
I do know what you mean.
We saw them some time ago, right after we got here, we knew they were eating fallen fruit and maybe some low hanging fruit as well as the bark off some branches, but they were leaving the tree trunks alone. When we planted them we made sure they all had deer protectors on them and we didn't lose any to deer attack.
But this is different.
We have an unused cage which is big enough to stand up in etc where we normally grow raspberries, so we will start by clearing that and eventually I will put two new raised bed/planter type things we brought over into it. It is pretty big.
Meanwhile W rescued the plants that had survived and put them into big pots which she is bringing indoors every night.
The rest they either left alone of will not be able to get to as we always shut the poly tunnel.
I think it must be down to the weather as we have been here since 2008 and had the planters out most of that time with no problems.
I think they are short of greenery in other environments.
So today is cooler, which is nice and the wind has dropped.
We are plodding on with the job of clearing the weeds from around the pool and putting the muck/stuff into the cracks, getting slightly faster at it but it does my back no good at all even if I sit down to do it, which limits how long I can do in a day.
Election results over here are interesting!
Macron no longer has a majority. Aaaawwwww. shame!
Was thinking today, what would it be like if no MP was allowed to be in a political party, indeed if all political parties could be banned? We'd have a parlt full of people who could think independently and vote for what they honestly thought was right rather than what the boss thinks is right, with no come back.
W tells me that the stuff the Tory candidate for Honiton is handing out makes only tiny mention of Boris. Maybe she wishes she could stand as an independent!!;)
Enjoy your day folks!!:):):)
Went out to put the hens to bed at aboput 10 p.m. heard the hooves of the feckin deer making off after clunking them against the wooden sides of the raised beds.
I had been planning to lie in wait for them at about 1 a.m. as that is when they appeared on the trail cam, with my powerful torch and the hose set to jet.
Been out a few times since.
No sign of em.
I took my cue from this as I understood that is what the emoji meant! Don't take it to heart, its not worth it. :)
Well, last weeks OTT DIY was definitely NOT the best course of action. :(
My back is complaining a fair bit, but I am leaving on tomorrow's boat no-matter-what, so there! :D
This means that I shall be absent from class & morning & afternoon registrations for about 10 days.
I will miss you all, so have a good time while I am away. I will tell you all about it when I return. :D
Well, last weeks OTT DIY was definitely NOT the best course of action. :(
My back is complaining a fair bit, but I am leaving on tomorrow's boat no-matter-what, so there! :D
This means that I shall be absent from class & morning & afternoon registrations for about 10 days.
I will miss you all, so have a good time while I am away. I will tell you all about it when I return. :D
Do have a lovely time!
looking forward to the pics and report.:):):)
I took my cue from this as I understood that is what the emoji meant! Don't take it to heart, its not worth it. :)
I was angry at my inability to catch them anywhere near and give em a good spray of watter.;)
Nature in tooth and claw we have to live with all the time.
Moles, just a bit of a pain really as we don't play bowls.
Rabbits, but very few as we have a local friendly raptor who deals with them.
Wild boar, luckily they seem unable to get onto our land, but if they do they can cause unbelievable amounts of devastation. Wine growers live in fear of them.
Badgers, one fell into the pool once and made a hole in our pool cover, but it was old and needed replacing anyway.
Birds, are the worst really they always decimate our fruit, if not worse than decimate. First time ever this year we got some cherries before they finished. We just have to live with them as everything we have tried to protect the trees either doesn't work or is a right pain and still doesn't work well.
"Mulots" or some kind of field mice, which eat veg in the ground from the bottom up. Luckily we don't plant carrots etc. Our neighbour does and often loses the lot.
Wasps, who seem to live off our apples.
But of course many insects are vital for pollination and we have lots of lovely bees and things. hummingbird moths are amazing, and even the wasps, ants and flies do some.

Wifey has got over the shock now, although she is now seeing the bark that has been stripped too. Luckily they haven't ringed any trees, yet.:)
Am doing the job around the pool slabs differently now and it is easily twice as fast.......
But......sunburnt my upper feet and lower shins!!!
Whata twit!
It has been cooler and a bit cloudy so didn't faff around putting up a parasol, idiot.:rolleyes:
Normally Wifey and I manage to avoid sunburn but doing this job we have both burnt our backs a bit and now my lower limbs. And I did my back while under a parasol. They don't protect you completely!!!:(
Still it is coming on and if we never have to weed around the pool again it'll have been worth it. ;)
Legs proper tingling now after application of hydrocortisone ointment followed by Clinique's "green bogeys" as we call their aftersun. Never mind!
Enjoy your evenings folks!
Well, last weeks OTT DIY was definitely NOT the best course of action. :(
My back is complaining a fair bit, but I am leaving on tomorrow's boat no-matter-what, so there! :D
This means that I shall be absent from class & morning & afternoon registrations for about 10 days.
I will miss you all, so have a good time while I am away. I will tell you all about it when I return. :D
Have a great time Dan, all the best for the trip!!

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