A lovely sunny morning here. It's off to the dog groomer at 9am and I have to fit in walkies and feeding time before I set off.

Thinking of @DanClarke as he sails off into the sunset for his cycling holiday - enjoy it!

For everyone else its on with the toil of your labours but I'm sure you will all enjoy this the longest day of the year. :)
How does @Stanleysteamer cope with the French crossings?
Extra 1.5hrs waiting around for clearance.
Woop woop for brexit.

@DanClarke enjoy your time away….
We found it no bother at all.
We got to Portsmuff and were on in no time, the longest thing as always being checking the dogs through.
Arrived in Ouistreham, managed to get into the queue where the blokey had the sense to scan one passport while stamping the other, so straight off, quicker than others.
So no idea. Is this to do with the new biometric thing?
We have already had that done when we got our visas.
Anyway, we can let you know when we next come over!
.......that I have finally got around to doing the mod on the SVS thing on the block for the ABS etc. Getting the electrical bit off and on again is a real pain but managed to do the mod on the bit then fit it this a.m.
So, turned the key and "Hey presto" the three amigos came on for the test then went off and stayed off.
Result!!!!! I hope. Have yet to drive it.
Due to the sunburn I was going to get back on whacking the weeds on the other bit of land, but even with socks on etc, my work boots, which aren't too tight, still rubbed on the sunburn too much to make wearing them sensible,
So no cutting for me.
Still, done the fix!
Wifey has picked kilos of gooseberries and will be making jam with them soon once she has topped and tailed them all.
Deer came back last night and ate the rest of what they had taken the tops off. Were useless to us by then anyway.
No sunshine today but still very hot. Rain expected either today or tomorrow so couldn't carry on with the jointing sand anyway as they have to be not rained on for 48 hours.
I see lots of peeps are talking of going on strike, maybe even a general strike. And we are here missing all the fun. What a shame.;)
9 jars of goosegog jam now bottled, or is it "jarred"?
1 more kilo to go.
so 3 kgs off four bushes. Pleased with that.
Blackcurrants next!
Jam or Creme de Cassis?
Maybe a bit of both! This is what makes doing what we do here so worth while.
Apart from the fact that tonite's dins will be salad made mostly from what we have grown already. And are still growing.
Tomato plants like Triffids, as usual!
There's nothing like a polytunnel excpet maybe a huge greenhoose!.
Enjoy the rest of the evening folks!
Left the deaddid burd over nite finkin the fox will take it. Still there smornin so eye fort eye wood move it later. Mistake. 2 hours later fevvurs everywhere. Somefing pulled em oft and had bin poking it. Eye picked it up wiv me fork un shuvvul un purrit int bin.

Couldn't go to wuk yesdi as there were no trains running.

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