I am pleased to report that it is NOT raining :) but equally there is no sign of the sun.:(
I have spent the last four days ransacking the house for a misplaced set of very important keys - the search has consumed my entire life and nothing else has been done. Yesterday I was driven to start the search all over again and ............ yes, I found them. :):):) Where? In the very first place I looked at originally. :D:D:D:D I can now get on with 'playing' with my new MH as I am hoping to go out in it for a few days after the tourists have gone back to work.
To all zoners, I wish you a really happy few days off work - plenty of time for tinkering, gardening, sitting in traffic jams, avoiding the raindrops, shortening the lists and looking ofter all the grandkids, etc..:):):)
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I am pleased to report that it is NOT raining. :D:D:D:D
To all zoners, I wish you a really happy few days off work - plenty of time for tinkering, gardening, sitting in traffic jams, avoiding the raindrops, shortening the lists and looking ofter all the grandkids, etc..:):):)

Raining here and what is this “happy few days off work” thing you speak of? I’m next due a day off in late may :(o_O
Afternoon folks:).

Well took the day off today checked some paperwork instead because of a letter delivered said I don't have insurance on the "green beast" they are correct. But if its a registered vehicle it needs to be insured or they will deregister it:eek:. So will be off to sort that out tomorrow, strange they haven't picked up on the Quad yet;).
Anyway back was playing up this am from yesterdays work so a day off wont hurt (cos I can) I have learnt from years of manual labor, don't mess with your back, if it complains:).

The day started grey and orribble but has brightened up, we now have our pair of wagtails and seeing some house martins:). Still no big chickens very strange.

Enjoy the long weekend:).

You should have looked next to my two stroke and chain oil!.:D:D:D:D
If I remember correctly there is supposed to be a Sprite, the name of which escapes me, that people believe hides these things for michief and then returns them to there original place for you to find after you have wasted hours of your precious time looking for them. :D:D:D:D:D I am beginning to be a believer. :D
Up early to go shopping as it is market day, which is when W says that she has looked at "The List" and we don't need to go to the market.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
so orf to town and a row in the Choclatier cos they had run out of Easter Eggs and 'parently it was my fault! so she pickes herself out a selection and the nice burd puts them carefully in a box, I pays for them as per with a debit card that raised its eyebrows somewhat:rolleyes::eek:.
Then off to Bricomarché in search of Stainless bolts.
Got any stainless? Nope.:mad:
Got any 8mm x 100mm? Nope:mad:
With W walloping up and down the aisles saying things like "These are 100mm, won't they do?"
"Er no, they are screws.":rolleyes:
So had to settle for some 8mm threaded bar, in zinc plated cr@p.
So I can see myself doing the job twice, once with this stuff, coated in grease mind, then once again if I can actually locate, somewhere on the planet, 8mm x 100mm stainless bolts and nuts. On line prolly.:rolleyes:
They decide (for you of course) that once you get to 100mm you "need" 10mm.:mad::mad::mad:
Thence to buy dog bits and pieces, girl spoke her very best English though twasn't necessary, thence to Leclerc for the rest of the shopping where the butcher engaged me in convo, congratulated me on my French, spoke a bit of English too!
So this is the first time peeps in ornery shops have spoken to us in English! Twice!:eek:
Does it take Brexit for this to happen? I nearly fell off my perch!:confused:
So home to where the sun actually was shining as it was when we left home, although tis now a bit overcast.
Still we got to eat lunch outside for the first time!!:):):)
Heard the new neighbour trying to start his Landy.;) It didn't:(
If he keeps on suffering I'll offer him my charger, or use of it. (Although he could take it off the LR and up to his place not far away to charge it I suppose.
I wonder if he had in fact brought a batt with him?
I think he will be being very careful as once he left a batt on charge in a LR and it caught fire, gutted it I think he said.:eek::eek::eek: (We've only had two convos so far, not all about LRs.;))
Have a lovely time this Easter!
Afternoon folks:).

Well took the day off today checked some paperwork instead because of a letter delivered said I don't have insurance on the "green beast" they are correct. But if its a registered vehicle it needs to be insured or they will deregister it:eek:. So will be off to sort that out tomorrow, strange they haven't picked up on the Quad yet;).
Anyway back was playing up this am from yesterdays work so a day off wont hurt (cos I can) I have learnt from years of manual labor, don't mess with your back, if it complains:).

The day started grey and orribble but has brightened up, we now have our pair of wagtails and seeing some house martins:). Still no big chickens very strange.

Enjoy the long weekend:).

Sounds like Bulgarland is like Frogland then as if you own a car even if it is in bits, it still has to be insured over here. :eek:What a feckin rip off!:mad::mad:
Since we've been back here my back etc has improved a bit due to me doing a bit more physical work. But the knee is taking its sweet time to fix itself. I haven't been keeping up with my exercises as out of the normal routine.
Must get back to them.
Hope yours is OK soon!:):):)
If I remember correctly there is supposed to be a Sprite, the name of which escapes me, that people believe hides these things for michief and then returns them to there original place for you to find after you have wasted hours of your precious time looking for them. :D:D:D:D:D I am beginning to be a believer. :D
Me too!
And it always happens after I have shouted to Wifey? "Have you seen the/my .........? They aren't where I thought they'd be!"
We then get the "Where have you looked?" convo which is a useless occupation.
Like you I looked three times in the same place before seeing them. But my excuse is they didn't look as I remembered them. Prolly cos I was remembering a previous lot!, or the lot I have in the UK!
When W loses something I often find it for her and usually quite quickly because I tend to know how she scoops things up and shoves them in certain drawers. So i drive myself mad losing things but get quite chuffed finding things she can't. Weird.
Long ago someone told me (or I read) that if you look at a thing when you put it down, you remember it because you remember it in its surroundings. So i try very hard to do just that, and I confess it tends to work.
I had a colleague who was forever losing her keys. She moved around the school and just dumped them wherever she was. And it was a big school! We'd all mobilise to help her, she even had one of those things on it that whistled when you called it, or summat. Didn't help! In the end I told her this trick and she lost them slightly less often, but only slightly!
Wot about a prayer to whoever it is? St Anthony?
Mind you, when Wifey had her momentous breakdown on the autoroute that led to her deciding she hated her Speedster, it happened at a "péage" called "St Christophe", so I 'm not sure I have much "faith" in any of this!!
"Shoot the Sprite".:D:D:D
Up early to go shopping as it is market day, which is when W says that she has looked at "The List" and we don't need to go to the market.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
so orf to town and a row in the Choclatier cos they had run out of Easter Eggs and 'parently it was my fault! so she pickes herself out a selection and the nice burd puts them carefully in a box, I pays for them as per with a debit card that raised its eyebrows somewhat:rolleyes::eek:.
Then off to Bricomarché in search of Stainless bolts.
Got any stainless? Nope.:mad:
Got any 8mm x 100mm? Nope:mad:
With W walloping up and down the aisles saying things like "These are 100mm, won't they do?"
"Er no, they are screws.":rolleyes:
So had to settle for some 8mm threaded bar, in zinc plated cr@p.
So I can see myself doing the job twice, once with this stuff, coated in grease mind, then once again if I can actually locate, somewhere on the planet, 8mm x 100mm stainless bolts and nuts. On line prolly.:rolleyes:
They decide (for you of course) that once you get to 100mm you "need" 10mm.:mad::mad::mad:
Thence to buy dog bits and pieces, girl spoke her very best English though twasn't necessary, thence to Leclerc for the rest of the shopping where the butcher engaged me in convo, congratulated me on my French, spoke a bit of English too!
So this is the first time peeps in ornery shops have spoken to us in English! Twice!:eek:
Does it take Brexit for this to happen? I nearly fell off my perch!:confused:
So home to where the sun actually was shining as it was when we left home, although tis now a bit overcast.
Still we got to eat lunch outside for the first time!!:):):)
Heard the new neighbour trying to start his Landy.;) It didn't:(
If he keeps on suffering I'll offer him my charger, or use of it. (Although he could take it off the LR and up to his place not far away to charge it I suppose.
I wonder if he had in fact brought a batt with him?
I think he will be being very careful as once he left a batt on charge in a LR and it caught fire, gutted it I think he said.:eek::eek::eek: (We've only had two convos so far, not all about LRs.;))
Have a lovely time this Easter!
I have 750mm of M8 Stainless all-thread and a hangry-grinder in my workshop and an envelope if you get desperate.
Kays Fasteners of Wakefield sell All thread in 100mm lengths £4.33 for 2.
I have 750mm of M8 Stainless all-thread and a hangry-grinder in my workshop and an envelope if you get desperate.
Kays Fasteners of Wakefield sell All thread in 100mm lengths £4.33 for 2.
View attachment 263094
Cheers for this heads up.
Maybe they do mail order to Frogland!
I expect ManoMano will do it, they do most things.
I was just being hopeful!
May try Monsieur Bricolage in Castres, next time we go there, or tour round the industrial estates looking for a pro fastener place. Such a stupid lot of messing around for just two bolts!
At the end of the day, so many DIY places try to be all things to all peeps and fail often.
(We could have bought at least three different versions of a "pool robot" to clean the ffin thing, if we had around €999 to spare!:eek: The things they DO stock!:rolleyes:)
Had to winch Wifey away from the display.:rolleyes:
Trouble is, if I was in the UK I'd be straight down to Barlows fasteners who do everything even if scroofix don't.
Mind you, here, I do know where to find roof tiles cheap and loads of other weird stuff I could never find easily in the UK.
But I can't be the only bloke who doesn't like not finishing a job and having to do it twice!:(
Put my trailer up for sale on "ere before xmas, not a sniff. Put it on flea bay this afternoon, one silly offer after 1/2 hour (rejected) and sold inside 1 1/2 hours for the full price. Hope I'm not being messed about :oops:.
Me too since you are now a member of my club "Trailer Floggers Anonymous"!!!
any linky? To save me guessing which one it is on the bay of flea?
Mine won't go back on again now till September.:(

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