That looks nice and posh:).

Within reason, it was not the looks I went for. I needed ease of use, approriate size for just me and a couple of dogs, auto gear box and reliabiity - hence I went for Mercedes as they have a long warranty. I do like my 'extras' too - anything that makes life easy , comfortable and warm/cool - depending on the season.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say and I have not yet tried it.:)

And here it is.

Nice. Mr Whippy. I'll have a double flake please :)
Sometimes the compressor oil blocks the rad if it is transported on its side/back, which is why they say leave it to drain out and back to the compressors sump.
@landowner left it for a good amount of time to drain.

Swapped it today, he said I'll leave the new one on and come back later, took temp it was 14 degrees inside, went back after two hours and my infra red temp thingy said it was ten degrees inside so it's working ok
New one home, changed door round and left it stood, switching on at 5.45pm (4 hours) and leaving overnight.
Me bobbin landed on the fence then dissapeared. Keep hearing him churp in me naybors naybors garden so eye fink he has moved. Other burds are eating his wurms eye put oot. Just paid this months council tax. Been watchin gardeners world smornin. Quite warm ootside even when the suns hiding. Finkin of puttin anuvva coat of under coat on me winda sills. Only got as far as finkin at the moment. 4 days oft to do nowt. Need to organise me garage. Eye has some pallets to out fing on so they dunt get wet when ma ippo's drip drying. Eye has just been int garden ferrabit listerning to the burds and doing nowt.
Well............ This morning I find my new fridge is still at 20 degrees inside, motor hot but cold it's not
Second fridge in three days, Zanussi and I left it four hours to settle, set temp control on half way and switched on, been on all night and still at 20.
Same happened to the last one which was a Bosh
I should have gone to Currys, taking this back and see what they say as he assured me it was working as they had tested it
is it me ??

Maybe the inside light is staying on! Only way to check is to take out the shelves and climb in, then shut the door :p
I know not why but today has been a somewhat "down" day. :(
I moved the 4 reclaimed railway sleepers this morning using a lever and some sections of piping (old skool Stonehenge stuff). :)
I sat in the garden in the sunshine but was suddenly overcome with a feeling of melancholy, to the extent that I became a trifle lachrymose. :(
I am normally a happy-go-lucky kind of person, but...I don't know, I'm just feeling a bit "down" today. :oops:
It will pass, as all things do, I am sure. ;)
I know not why but today has been a somewhat "down" day. :(
I moved the 4 reclaimed railway sleepers this morning using a lever and some sections of piping (old skool Stonehenge stuff). :)
I sat in the garden in the sunshine but was suddenly overcome with a feeling of melancholy, to the extent that I became a trifle lachrymose. :(
I am normally a happy-go-lucky kind of person, but...I don't know, I'm just feeling a bit "down" today. :oops:
It will pass, as all things do, I am sure. ;)
I daresay it is just delayed depression down to the position your son is in.
Just my off the cuff opinion.
But we both felt the same way when our dottir's marriage broke down. And it wasn't conscious, at all. Maybe your Mrs feels the same?
So sorry to hear this. can't be easy for any of you.:(:(:(
Well I never fixed our bog today!
We got up lateish.
Had a nice brekker.
wifey started trimming the youngest dog who will not put up with the clippers. So she does it by hand with scissors, takes a long time.:rolleyes:
And I went out to move the outside table. It's one of those B & Q type efforts from a few years back.
It suffers a bit in the sun and some of the wood has warped a bit.
It is supposed to extend where you pull it apart and flip up a couple of extra sections. One side worked fine the other didn't, so I ended up taking bits of it apart, filing then planing bits of it so the warped bits would slide past the bits they wouldn't slide past before. This took quite a while as it wasn't obvious which bits needed sorting and I didn't want to remove too much wood at a time, so had to keep reassembling. One piece had little nails in it and it weren't right so I pushed them all out, straightened them then made lickle holes wiv a bradawl then put the bit of wood back on moving the nails to slightly different places, then drove the heads under wiv a nail punch.
Things you do, eh?
Anyway, it's better now!:)
Twas really warm today and we haven't needed a fire nor to put the heating on!:):):)
Had a macaroni cheese with a bit of marmite in!
You either love it or hate it!
We enjoyed it!:):):)
Still no word from @kevstar?
Don't know whether to be worried or not.:(:(:(

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