Just got a surprise.
WAs over on the "musicality" thread trying to help a member who asked me to get a guitar out and try something, to see if I had the same problem as him.
So I went a picked up a guitar case with a pretty cheap acoustic in it that I don't even know where I got it from. Donated prolly.
Anyway the cover was covered in dust, and once I got the instrument out............ it had no strings on it!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I have no recollection of destringing it at all. :eek::eek::eek:
How can my memory be that bad??:(:(:(
Anyway my trusty Yamaha FG-160E was OK and I was able to do as he asked and report back. :rolleyes:
Now wonderin, with my dodgy hand, is it worth getting a set of strings for tother?:(
And a very happy birthday to @derwendolly
Well today started OK, for me.
Off to the Back Cracker College, then a shortish drive to a house in a residential street where a bearing company lives.
The geezer there keeps his stuff in his garage and was able to supply me with two bearings exactly the right size for all of a fiver!!!:):):)
So I got home to find W struggling with doing the Waitrose order on her phone, her iPad still being u/s.
That done I said I'd help her with the old iPad. This morning she had found it but couldn't find the cable to it. She and I both looked all over the place etc etc until in the end she found it exactly where I said it would be, near where she found the iPad but it took her getting a pair of steps out!
So it was charged up, she wanted to "open" it but of course it wouldn't accept her unlock key code thing. Which was very strange as she never used another one.
So tinternet told us to recover the iPad via Itunes and a lappy. So I cranked my lappy up and we plugged in her iPad to it.
It told me to update my iTunes.:rolleyes: So I tried.
It didn't like it and kept getting into a mad loop where a screen just sat there flashing.
So I used "Uninstall/Change/repair" to try and repair the old iTunes. That didn't work.
So I uninstalled iTunes and tried to download it again from ...whoever.
It kept stalling, telling me it needed the "administrator" to be able to continue. I AM the fecking administrator, and I checked. I even used a hack thing I found to write a line to make it happen, but no, no use.
So I then tried to delete the folder it couldn't open.......ooops, need an "administrator" again.
So then I had the idea of changing the folder it was trying to open by giving it another one to use.
Whoopee!! all of a sudden iTunes downloads and is up and running. All this involved switching the pooter off and on again, and it takes AGES to crank up each time, so about 1 1/2 hours had passed by now.
BUT we could now use iTunes to recover W's old iPad.
That again took ages but it did finally work.......
.....until it asked for "activation ID" from when the blessed thing was bought, which has to have been at least 10 years ago.
Lots of attempts at passwords etc, none of which worked, she had written them (or stuff) down but none of it worked, and, as she says, when the blessed thing is working and accepts the unlock code, who cares?
So we went for the "forgot password" thing, and they asked for the simplest of three things : first name, second name, email address used at the time. Easy youda thort!
Oh no, W uses either the short version of her first name, or the long one, or her two initials, and for last name sometimes her maiden name, sometimes her married name, and as for our old email address, pppfffttt!!!
So guess what? This "Wordle" game did not have a happy ending.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
So she had to ring up the nearest Apple store (Fecking Soton) for an appointment next Monday. To take both iPads in to sort them out.
God I love pooters/tech.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

So the new bearings are still in my jacket pocket!!!
And W and I are mightily p!ssed off.
(At least I have still got iTunes, for a while we thought we'd lost that off my pooter too!):)

Anyone watching the Teacher thing ont telly?
We watched the first one last night, me through gritted teeth as there are so many inaccuracies and "that would never happen"s. But I promised we'd watch it all if it got better, which the final plot twist did promise.
At least it has left me wondering ....well I won't spoil it for those who are watching it...!
Have a nice evening folks!:):):)
Hey up gang :):) Im knackered, got soaked today, had emails from my architect and the planning
they still not happy & want the building turned 90 degrees back to my original plans wtf :mad:
still aint happy with the roof pitch at 45 degrees ?? 5 buildings all around the site with the same pitch
they want 25 but scotch slate at that angle id need 19/20 inch slates no chance of getting them in traditional slate, also the size is questioned why so big when its just for 2 cars:rolleyes: silly bint wants 7m x 5m I want 8m x 6.6m :mad::mad::mad:
I went mental & fell out with the architect as he wanted more money no chance pal you'll get paid
once its passed :mad: ive already shelled out over 2k & still no further forward from over a year ago.
So get stuffed do it or give me my money back. It got out of hand tbh :oops:

Anyhoo thats my moan over :D:D:D:D How the hell are yous all good I hope :):):)
Hey up gang :):) Im knackered, got soaked today, had emails from my architect and the planning
they still not happy & want the building turned 90 degrees back to my original plans wtf :mad:
still aint happy with the roof pitch at 45 degrees ?? 5 buildings all around the site with the same pitch
they want 25 but scotch slate at that angle id need 19/20 inch slates no chance of getting them in traditional slate, also the size is questioned why so big when its just for 2 cars:rolleyes: silly bint wants 7m x 5m I want 8m x 6.6m :mad::mad::mad:
I went mental & fell out with the architect as he wanted more money no chance pal you'll get paid
once its passed :mad: ive already shelled out over 2k & still no further forward from over a year ago.
So get stuffed do it or give me my money back. It got out of hand tbh :oops:

Anyhoo thats my moan over :D:D:D:D How the hell are yous all good I hope :):):)
Sounds like you've taken the right course of action. Someone, if not a few people, are pulling ya tassel.

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