Hey up gang :):) Im knackered, got soaked today, had emails from my architect and the planning
they still not happy & want the building turned 90 degrees back to my original plans wtf :mad:
still aint happy with the roof pitch at 45 degrees ?? 5 buildings all around the site with the same pitch
they want 25 but scotch slate at that angle id need 19/20 inch slates no chance of getting them in traditional slate, also the size is questioned why so big when its just for 2 cars:rolleyes: silly bint wants 7m x 5m I want 8m x 6.6m :mad::mad::mad:
I went mental & fell out with the architect as he wanted more money no chance pal you'll get paid
once its passed :mad: ive already shelled out over 2k & still no further forward from over a year ago.
So get stuffed do it or give me my money back. It got out of hand tbh :oops:

Anyhoo thats my moan over :D:D:D:D How the hell are yous all good I hope :):):)
Sorry about all this mate.:(:(:(
You must be frustrated to feck. Planning and architects should all be locked into a room naked with knives, and nothing to eat, until they kill each other and eat each other. Bastids.:mad::mad::mad:
Sounds like you've taken the right course of action. Someone, if not a few people, are pulling ya tassel.

Yup & its very frustrating. Now I need to re-measure the site & see what I can get away with
as the gable end will certainly need to come in a bit as its near a burn/stream with the extra
weight on the gables I dont want it to start collapsing, there are gabion baskets but still needs
some thought.
Hey up gang :):) Im knackered, got soaked today, had emails from my architect and the planning
they still not happy & want the building turned 90 degrees back to my original plans wtf :mad:
still aint happy with the roof pitch at 45 degrees ?? 5 buildings all around the site with the same pitch
they want 25 but scotch slate at that angle id need 19/20 inch slates no chance of getting them in traditional slate, also the size is questioned why so big when its just for 2 cars:rolleyes: silly bint wants 7m x 5m I want 8m x 6.6m :mad::mad::mad:
I went mental & fell out with the architect as he wanted more money no chance pal you'll get paid
once its passed :mad: ive already shelled out over 2k & still no further forward from over a year ago.
So get stuffed do it or give me my money back. It got out of hand tbh :oops:

Anyhoo thats my moan over :D:D:D:D How the hell are yous all good I hope :):):)
Had a few thoughts about your garridge overnight.
Firstly, a pitch of 25 degrees is fecking ridiculous, even in the S of France where it is hot and don't rain that much, they allow you 30 degrees. above 600 metres you can have 45 degrees. so where you are 45 degs make perfick sense and 25 degs is totally nonsensical.
The other properties around you have already said are 45 degs and all the pics you have shown us of places you have been working on are the same. I bet your house is the same.
Quite apart from anything else you are seriously compromising storage space in the loft of the garage if it ain't at 45. Not that I suppose they'll give a toss.
As for the width of it, are these feckers so stupid that they don't realise that modern cars are much wider than old ones, due to side impact bars etc? There have been moves afoot to widen parking bays as modern ones can't get their doors open easily, in trad ones. Designed in the days of Austin 7s.
"Car Width Comparison
The width of cars in the UK actually remains fairly consistent, limited by restrictions on car parking spot size and road lane width, coming in between 1615mm to 2107mm."
So if you show this to the bitch it'll show that you couldn't even get the doors open if two cars were parked side by side. 2107 + 2107+ plus 609.6 per side per car. DUUUUUUHHHHH!
What right does she have to dictate to you what sort of car you can buy?

From https://www.nimblefins.co.uk/cheap-...is 1820mm in width,is around 1535mm in height.
And finally, if this has been going on for over a year or more then you may have grounds to just ignore them as, unless you were awkward and bloody minded about stuff to the point of ignoring requests from them.
This applies to England but I bet it ain't much different in Scotland.

"What happens if an application is not dealt with on time?
Where a valid application has not been determined within the relevant statutory period (or such other period as has been agreed in writing between the local planning authority and the applicant), the applicant has a right to appeal to the Secretary of State against non-determination.

If the applicant has not exercised this right of appeal, and the application remains undetermined after 26 weeks, then the fee paid by the applicant will be refunded to them (unless a longer period for the decision has been agreed).

Applicants should not attempt to delay a decision on their application simply to obtain a fee refund. A local planning authority will be justified in refusing permission where an applicant causes deliberate delay and has been unwilling to agree an extension of time; and such behaviour will be taken into account in determining any claim for costs by the local planning authority if the applicant then goes to appeal.

Paragraph: 004 Reference ID: 21b-004-20140306

Revision date: 06 03 2014"

I don't know if there are planning lawyers north of the border but there are down here.
My ex S-i-L had to go nearly to the Secretary of State before they finally gave up after a full hearing at the council.
Hey up all!
Well today was intersting.
Started well with me playing with W's car to find out how I am going to fix the reversing sensors in.
Found a bunch of cable just below the lights to the nearside where the reversing light is. Tried to find out which it was by putting it in reverse and disconnecting the connector. The fecker stayed on!!!
Thin k it may be the cables that work the electric and very complex roof.:( although they are all very thin.
Decided to simply take the lights pod out, then it started raining so rain stopped play.
So went back to the mower, Some of the bits of the spindle housing had suffered a little bit over time and when I went to mount the bearings and put the whole thing back together it was more of a struggle than it should have been and frankly it turned without the absolute smoothness I would have expected. Anyway, sh!t or bust, I took out the motor and cleaned it right up, checked the carbon brushes etc. All good and when plugged in and switched on it span like a good un.
So went about fitting the spindle holder in the rest of it. It has an offset hole within a hole if you get me. I worked out that it had a cunning bit of kit that allowed you to turn the spindle housing in the rest of the plastic housing that holds everything to allow you to tension the belt and as you do it a clever ratchet affair locks it in place. So after a bit of fecking about it is in and the belt is tighter than it ever was.;)
With the blade etc back on it spins like a good un too. :):):)
So now I am cleaning up all the plastic bits prior to full reassembly. (Amazing the effect a bit of soapy water and a plastic pan scrub has on it.)
I am in full-on "Repair Shop" mode. :D:D:D
Cleaning it up really well but still leaving "patina" to show its age!:cool::cool::cool::cool:
Enjoy what's left of the evening folks!!

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