I will ask more about it tomorrow :)

This too.....
View attachment 258136
The woodwork looks in surprisingly good nick!
We had one when I was a kid, went all over the continent in it. My pa backed one back wheel into a ditch when we went into a field for a picnic. In Switzerland. :rolleyes:
He and my mum tried to think of a way to get it out, as the wheel in the ditch just span. I was about 9 at the time.
I thought about it for a bit while my parents talked back on forth, both fecked off about it. I suggested that I might have an idea, they both together told me to "shut up", about 3 times! They only had the kit to change a wheel, no other tools, as usual.
Once they had calmed down I said "Jack this side up, fill the ditch up with big stones, let it down then drive it out."
The lucky thing was being able to find enough stones. but sho nuff it worked. Amazing a doctor and an accountant between them didn't have the common sense.:rolleyes:
Loved that car. :):):)
Hey Happy birthday @derwendolly :D:D:D
I shall get more info in the morning as I aint sure wot it is. ;)
At the end of the day it don't matter, it's an old Volvo and they were all built like tanks.
They even thought about relative wear so that, for instance, the brake master cylinder, when it wears, it's the spindle that wears first so it is easier and cheaper to swop out than the cylinder itself!
I like both Saabs and Volvos.
In my younger days I had mates with Volvos and a girlfriend whose family loved Saabs and I often drove them :eek::eek::confused:Running errands for them, etc. The one time I lent her Dad my Mini he came back laughing, cos I forgot to tell him it jumped out of gear, in two gears, one on acceleration tother on deceleration, and it mattered cos they lived on a very steep hill in Bath!)
(Only girlfriend that ever happened with. Even my ex's family never thought of letting me drive their car!):(

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