The start of month 2 has gone well :)
I have ordered a new vfd to replace the one I fried on Saturday :rolleyes: so I can get the lathe running again.
It is my Dad's 91st birthday on Thursday and I am looking forward to seeing him :)
Hope everyone is staying safe and well and enjoying themselves as much as I am!!
Evening all, mighty winds all day today tis calmed down now we might get snow soon. :cool:

Anyone know what this is.....
Got both inner races off pretty easily, all the dimensions bizarrely, for both bearings, are bang on a whole mm except for one, the inner diameter of the biggest one, and that is within .02 of a mm.
hopeful of finding new ones now.:):)
A tube of bearing glue might fix that if the shaft is undersize and you have to go up.
Bearing Boys, Simply Bearings and Whych Bearings are my usual targets.
Evening all, mighty winds all day today tis calmed down now we might get snow soon. :cool:

Anyone know what this is.....
View attachment 258134
Volvo Amazon at a guess, though there is no wing mirror.
Where the feck did you find it?
One of the cars on my "Want one" list.
They used to be cheap as chips. A mate of mine had one, tough as old boots and great rally winners in the day.
(I'll look a right dick now if it isn't one.)
Worth dosh too, once done up a bit beyond this!:):):)
A tube of bearing glue might fix that if the shaft is undersize and you have to go up.
Bearing Boys, Simply Bearings and Whych Bearings are my usual targets.
Cheers mate!
I don't think the fit will be an issue although of course it is possible that some wear has occurred, it honestly doesn't look like it. No scoring on the spindle at all. The bearings took all the punishment!
If I can't drive to a local supplier I'll certainly check out the companies you have mentioned.
Thanks Mate!!:):):)
Volvo Amazon at a guess, though there is no wing mirror.
Where the feck did you find it?
One of the cars on my "Want one" list.
They used to be cheap as chips. A mate of mine had one, tough as old boots and great rally winners in the day.
(I'll look a right dick now if it isn't one.)
Worth dosh too, once done up a bit beyond this!:):):)

I found it stashed in a barn got some more stuff there too. :cool:

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