In the past it has done it when a fly got left in the car, always in Frogland and the cure is quite simple, spray a bit of fly spray in and ensure all windows are shut. Fly dies, no problem.
Locking with a key isn't a problem, just interesting really. but when the weather gets better I'll see if it goes away.
I have a Foxwell, don't know if it would disable the motion sensors.
again summat to play with when my foot gets better!;)

Impressive you can use the Fowell with your feet, get that sh!t on ntube lad :cool::D
Lots of rain over the next few days. Get yer tar porlins fitted tratterers.

A) I has a rare (almost) leak free tratter, an it warms up the cab after about ten minutes. Just about when the brandy wears oft..
3) She has no airy fairy electrickery to go titsup. Gets in, turn the key, get out me way..
Q) if caught in a flood enough water will ingress to allow me tires to touch down an get me out, not float oft like an aquarian (ugly) hoss..
So, buggroft, time to some outta your closet Ippo.. :p
Best of luck ;)
Impressive you can use the Fowell with your feet, get that sh!t on ntube lad :cool::D
That would be a thing now wouldn't it!
I have yet to get confident with the feckin thing! with my hands! but for the money it seems to be a great tool. And cos it isn't confined toy just one vehicle i have been able to use it with two other totally different vehicles. A camper van was one of them. FFS!

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