Morning All :D
Wow! That was really heavy rain last night. :(
Having taped off the leaking window with a rubble-sack cover, I find that the usual leakage has NOT happened. So that proves my point.:)
I will send the window company a missive with the evidence today and see what they have to say.
Have a good day everyone, see you on here later. :D
Morning all ... tis dark out there ...

The big cat is snoring his socks off ...little one is sitting on the warm spot where the heating pipes run by the door ...
Morning @Dippypud
Clever aren't they, them cats?
Mine all used to do the same , find all the hot-spots where the pipes run and just sprawl out legs a-kimbo on their backs, without a care in the world.
Down to the last cat standing now :( and she's a daft as a brush, timid great fat splodge of a cat.
Glad to see you are feeling more chipper today. Take care. :)

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