Morning all:)
As carers are entitled to the vaccination early :):):) I wanted to check I was registered as such, just found it incredibly easy to do on my surgeries website.
For ONCE their feckin useless site did summat properly!:):):)
(Wifey thinks the NHS already know as she has had to put my name on various forms since for ever, tell the truth I have never needed to think about it.)
Think i'll put this on a thread in case anyone else isn't aware.;)
By the way this only applies to the under 65s.
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Do you think taking care of two dogs counts? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::)
As I am already in group 5 it makes no difference to me, as carers get put into group 6, but there may be others out there who are young carers.
Have you had yours yet?
I can't remember.
Wifey at 73 is at least one group ahead of me!

And if it was down to me all doggy owners would get it earlier, provided they took their doggies into orspicles to cheer up the patients!:):):)
I'm just days away from being 78, but …………. this is Wales so it might be another year before they get round to my group3.:rolleyes:
And I am a month and a bit away from 66 and collecting my state pension!:)
Hope it'll offset all the cr@p brexit is causing us!;)
Hope you get yours soon. You are one group ahead of Wifey, but she says they are calling groups 3 and 4 together here, something to do with the war! (birth patterns? As "so many were not born during the war". You must be a bit of a rarity if she is right. :rolleyes:

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