Sadly the vet phoned at 04:00 this morning to tell me that little Charlie budgie had passed away ...

Just got to wait now for a reasonable time to tell Dad ... :(:(

Left work early today to collect Charlie and the cage etc. Glad I did, my little shopping trolley was getting blown about the M25 / A127 luckily the big trucks were keeping an eye out for rogue trolley in lane one ....

So Dad was not keeping a stiff upper lip, but had sourced a box for the lad, and he was laid to rest in our garden ... :(:(

Left work early today to collect Charlie and the cage etc. Glad I did, my little shopping trolley was getting blown about the M25 / A127 luckily the big trucks were keeping an eye out for rogue trolley in lane one ....

So Dad was not keeping a stiff upper lip, but had sourced a box for the lad, and he was laid to rest in our garden ... :(:(

So sad amongst all the rest of this cr@p. :(:(:(
Hope your dad comes to terms with it in good time.
He prolly won't want to do it but........eventually......... another one?;)
So sad amongst all the rest of this cr@p. :(:(:(
Hope your dad comes to terms with it in good time.
He prolly won't want to do it but........eventually......... another one?;)

As much as I'd love to, he can't look after them properly on his own, I go and feed / water / change the sand etc.
And he's 90 now, so it'd be a toss upon who goes first ...
Water alas finds its way out. Think the rain comes in through the sunroof seal and drains out of the floor panel :D
For some reason i have had to take to locking the D2 with the key, else the alarm goes off after a while, nothing else wrong wiv it, bar the stuff that's been wrong for ages now.
Fink the electrickery might be getting a bit of damp in.:(
For some reason i have had to take to locking the D2 with the key, else the alarm goes off after a while, nothing else wrong wiv it, bar the stuff that's been wrong for ages now.
Fink the electrickery might be getting a bit of damp in.:(
Disconnect the motion sensors and see if it still does it.
Mine did the same so I just disabled them using me Nanocom. ;)
Disconnect the motion sensors and see if it still does it.
Mine did the same so I just disabled them using me Nanocom. ;)
In the past it has done it when a fly got left in the car, always in Frogland and the cure is quite simple, spray a bit of fly spray in and ensure all windows are shut. Fly dies, no problem.
Locking with a key isn't a problem, just interesting really. but when the weather gets better I'll see if it goes away.
I have a Foxwell, don't know if it would disable the motion sensors.
again summat to play with when my foot gets better!;)
Left work early today to collect Charlie and the cage etc. Glad I did, my little shopping trolley was getting blown about the M25 / A127 luckily the big trucks were keeping an eye out for rogue trolley in lane one ....

So Dad was not keeping a stiff upper lip, but had sourced a box for the lad, and he was laid to rest in our garden ... :(:(


Only lickin coz there int any other commiserate alternative.
Sorry Dips :oops:

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