Hope folks had a good start to the weekend:)

Cat has come up for his evening get together. Now he is trying to lick the skin off my arm;). He often has a little lick and thought it was perhaps the salt.
Is he trying to tell me I need a shower:D he’s been at it 10 mins now by golly do you know how rough a cats tongue is:eek: Anyway he’s done my forearm top and bottom. Now Ms gone to bed so he’s left in the hope of food via the kitchen:).

Big petrolhead dilemma tomorrow F1 & MotoGP races start at the same time:(

F1 def.:)
Hope folks had a good start to the weekend:)

Cat has come up for his evening get together. Now he is trying to lick the skin off my arm;). He often has a little lick and thought it was perhaps the salt.
Is he trying to tell me I need a shower:D he’s been at it 10 mins now by golly do you know how rough a cats tongue is:eek: Anyway he’s done my forearm top and bottom. Now Ms gone to bed so he’s left in the hope of food via the kitchen:).

Big petrolhead dilemma tomorrow F1 & MotoGP races start at the same time:(


Sounds like a catch-up challenge ...
Best second hand bandsaw around. Plenty of spares and blades are a good price too.
Eye wur finkin ov gerrin the axminsta won at 319 sovs but its a bit small when yer see it. The 619 sov won it too big, but the won eye be lukkin at now. The 519 sov won is no longa ont sale but eye know one chop as won ont display. But they may not av many parts avalabul int fuchair if they dint sell many.

Eye have lukked rownd at others second hand but they be quite big. Also eye wont know if its all wurkin ok if second hand. The record power 350 style can be 20+ years old un still fetch a high price. Even with rust.

A the new wons seem to have good and bad comments. Smaller wons not being strong enuff. Twistin frames. Biggerer is betterer. Axminster offer 3 yeer warranty and easy ter return int first mumf. Record power for 5 yeer but not shor if that s ont bigger wons only.

Eye always wantid er band sor. Eye fink it wud be gud ter av. But like everyfink else eye buy it wunt get much use. So it will last fer everer. So cost is spreed oat over many yeers. Eye dunt need ter cut massive chunks ov wud. But yer nevva know. Eye want ter mayk me own furnitchair and fings lyke that. Eye got me chop sor and taybul sor fer that. Taybul sor beer power devil lil fing. Eye plan ter mayk folderbul taybul sides ter add territ ter mayk it biggerer un handul sheets ov wud.

So eye is desidid but still undesidid. Uvva brands do a smalla won than the axminsta 619 sovs won that be not too small. But its trustin them that be the fing. Eye have bin lukkin ut www.ukworkshop.co.uk and 'wot band sor' is a topic like wot tire ont lz. Sum dunt fink the axminsta higher prices are wurf it. Lot ter fink erbowt.

Add this finkin problem when gerrin me chop sor. Went ferra nu bosch won int end un int lukked bak since.
Don't tell me with all that room you ain't got one yet? Or would you have to move the dirigible?

Haha that's funny :D No ramp in yet matey got loads of clearing to do plus the airship will never see
the sky, tis a expedition ice breaking floating thingy lol Unfinished project for sale if you want it 250k
Im going to build 6 individual units to the left of the shed & rent these out then the rest for storage.
Looking at my stuff I may need a bigger shed o_O:D:D
Good morning folks...lovely n sunny in haggis land tho we have an easterly breeze atm
first job a little bit of painting after a cuppa of cha then off to the yard to work on the
disco for a couple of hours which no doubt be a a couple more after gassing, I do get
a lot of visitors just wanting a chat so nowt ever gets done. :rolleyes: :D

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