Yeah but can you record the feed ?

My tv has a function so you can split the screen so can watch both I done it by accident once
& thought wtf would you want that, Now I have the answer :cool::D

Some things need looking into I guess, when I have the time:)

It only happens a couple of times in the normal season as usually they are on alternate weeks, different places so times rarely clash. This season is different and sure there will be some more clashes so will need to look into something.

Have a happy relaxing sunny Sunday folks:)

Morning All :D
Busy start to the day here :(
The 20+ yr old American Fridge-Freezer has failed to cope with the heat (usually It does very well and is "over-cold").
It may just be past-it (a bit like me) i.e. functioning but not up to par. ;)
All the butter spreads are runny :(
The "Chilled Water" is now Tepid :(
Remedial actions taken are:
  1. remove front grille and vacuum off 5 horse-blankets worth of hair/fluff/dust from the heat-exchanger bank.
  2. Replace a "missing" back-panel that forces the fan-driven air over the compressor and heat-exchanger bank.
  3. Turned the settings of each side of the unit to maximum cold.
I am hoping it is a mix of things that have tipped it over the edge and these actions will restore the balance somewhat. But it is a long-shot at best.
Really do NOT want all the frozen foods to thaw-out.:(:(
I don't think there is much more that I can do, other than spend another 1200 on a new Fridge-Freezer. :(:(:(
You all have a great day :D:D:D
The 20+ yr old American Fridge-Freezer has failed to cope with the heat
Reminds me of when I went to the caribbean for a hol once, there was a big american fridge freezer in the accommodation size of a walk in wardrobe. It kept clunking every couple of minutes and was annoying when I was trying to sleep, on investigation it had an ice bucket which was continually dropping fresh ice cubes in. I kept emptying the bucket until I discovered it stopped clunking when it was full, switching off automatically. Apart from the ice bucket, my one and only pot of yoghurt looked a bit lost in there.
Morning All :D
Busy start to the day here :(
The 20+ yr old American Fridge-Freezer has failed to cope with the heat (usually It does very well and is "over-cold").
It may just be past-it (a bit like me) i.e. functioning but not up to par. ;)
All the butter spreads are runny :(
The "Chilled Water" is now Tepid :(
Remedial actions taken are:
  1. remove front grille and vacuum off 5 horse-blankets worth of hair/fluff/dust from the heat-exchanger bank.
  2. Replace a "missing" back-panel that forces the fan-driven air over the compressor and heat-exchanger bank.
  3. Turned the settings of each side of the unit to maximum cold.
I am hoping it is a mix of things that have tipped it over the edge and these actions will restore the balance somewhat. But it is a long-shot at best.
Really do NOT want all the frozen foods to thaw-out.:(:(
I don't think there is much more that I can do, other than spend another 1200 on a new Fridge-Freezer. :(:(:(
You all have a great day :D:D:D

Oh no my mates had packed in as well but he left his flat then went to work for 4 weeks
left the fridge door ajar guess the rest, flys everywhere imagine the stench. :eek:o_O
I have just given away a perfectly good AFF with ice maker & drinks door only as the misses wanted
the kitchen done so all new stainless steel appliances were bought. :rolleyes:
Just fire up the BBQ invite friends chuck all the defrosted gear on...have beer job jobbed. :D
Oh no my mates had packed in as well but he left his flat then went to work for 4 weeks
left the fridge door ajar guess the rest, flys everywhere imagine the stench. :eek:o_O
I have just given away a perfectly good AFF with ice maker & drinks door only as the misses wanted
the kitchen done so all new stainless steel appliances were bought. :rolleyes:
Just fire up the BBQ invite friends chuck all the defrosted gear on...have beer job jobbed. :D
This is why we had to search high and low for ones with no ice maker or water cooler in. We leave each one empty for 6 months at a time and although you can clean them I would never be sure that the works in the two aforementioned items would be totally safe. so best not risk it. and yes we have just had to crank ours up a notch due to the heat!:)
Haha that's funny :D No ramp in yet matey got loads of clearing to do plus the airship will never see
the sky, tis a expedition ice breaking floating thingy lol Unfinished project for sale if you want it 250k
Im going to build 6 individual units to the left of the shed & rent these out then the rest for storage.
Looking at my stuff I may need a bigger shed o_O:D:D
Sounds like a mega project/retirement plan.
That'll keep you outa mischief.
And if you need a bigga shed, you need to have a big sale!!!!!:):):)
Wonderin where the wasps nest is!
Found about 20 deaduns floatin in our pool, under the cover. The salt water obvs kills em orf.
Would like to find it though as missus is allergic to their stings and I don't want to have to stab her with her Epipen and drag er orf to orspicle, yet again.
We has so many flippin bushes etc, no idea where else to look and cannot tell from how far afield they comes.
Once found two nests in the same likkle bush in the garden of my last house.
They could be under the roof tiles, that is where they often live. :(:(:(
Found about 20 deaduns floatin in our pool, under the cover. The salt water obvs kills em orf.

Unlikely the salt. Probably drowning after getting caught under the cover, or fell in while drinking.

We run less salt than in human tears, apparently. you can hardly taste it. All the birds and the cat drink from it too.

but yes you need to be careful you may have a nest as the place has been empty a while.

Unlikely the salt. Probably drowning after getting caught under the cover, or fell in while drinking.

We run less salt than in human tears, apparently. you can hardly taste it. All the birds and the cat drink from it too.

but yes you need to be careful you may have a nest as the place has been empty a while.

You may be right about the cause of death. As you say, you can hardly tast the salt. Wasp's nests are just par for the course round here. I deal with two or three most seasons it is just rare to have them in the pool in such numbers.
Also some of the bushes have gone completely mad in the 8 months we've been away.
Think I'll have a good scout round at dusk which is when they all tend to go home. If I find it I'll do the old petrol-soaked rag trick.
Shame I can't fit a tracker to one!:)
Weather is great. Been busting arse this morning and no lunch break:eek: now relax and watch time. When finished will be dipping in the pool before, sorting Salmon for tea.

Get out? Why do we need too? :D

I only meant outdoors!:rolleyes: (We ain't been out cept to open pool. too bliddy hot!) but like you will be out for a dip fairly soon then sort out gammon steaks for tea, british grub brought with us!!:D Bustin yer #Rse, on a Sunday? Want to change your religion mate!;)
It is with great sadness that I have to report on the demise of "Elsa" who is no longer "FROZEN".
She has served this family well for over 25 years providing crushed/cubed ice and chilled water on demand and looking after all of our frozen & fresh foods. Sadly she expired in the sweltering heat yesterday/today and now cannot get below 10-c in the freezer and 20c in the fridge section.
£1200 back in the mid nineties so it has been excellent value.
New updated one will be here Weds. Yes, I could possibly call a man out to check if she just needs a re-gas; but its been running without a break for 25 yrs+ so maybe the compressor is worn out. Time for a change then.

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