So the question as always in the west wing was asked “what we having for tea?” Blank expressions were seen by us both:eek:
So spontaneous decision.

We are off out so somebody else has to cook:D.
5mins down the road no fear of plod, still early enough (for BG) that it will be very quiet. Sit outside as it’s still hot.
Hope they don’t have a function on:( although they have squeezed us in a corner before as we are regulars:D
Why not;)

See you later folks happy weekend ahead.:)

Eye as bin talkin ter saynsberry's customa survis ont fone. Eye as teld em me appul duce be orrible un nevva taystid that bad int many yeers of being an appul duce drinkin ippo. Eye wur given er refund int nectar poynts ov twice the value of the jouce. So that be gud. Eye be cleenin oat sewa wivvit layter.

The main problem fer callin em was ter complain erbowt the bleep fing fergettin me scourin pads un them finkin eye wos gonna nick em. ffs eye beer tup standin citizen. Av gorra Freelander. Eye remember scannin them but can't prove that as the scanner dun't let yer sea after it's locked ter the till. I teld em I felt upset ut not bin aybul ter show em eye add scanned em and had no access ter do so. Shop staff said they din't have access anorl. But burd ont fone ses they do un yer shud ask fer the duty managa who as access. Eye sed it beer upsettin eggsperiance un can sea why sum peeps walk oat. Yer faced wiv being cort int trap un can't defend yerself. Eye teld er they shud be aybul ter print out list of choppin ont till yer ont or show it ont till telly if there beer problem. If peeps adda mayd er mistayk they cud check un sea ferrum selves un it not feel as bad. The bleeper till reseat even tells yer wot yer scand an unscand anorl. But next time eye be after the fekers un garn film the bleeper wiv me fone before garn ter checkoat when eye luk frewwit un chek it meself. Eye fink she said she cud sea there ad binna problem, but not shor if she ment she ad put down thar beer problem. She sed she dun't av access ter bleeper stuff but ad me nectar card numba ter proov eye wurra reel ippo. Eva way they as bin teld un be ont norty step ferevvera. iffit appens ergen eye will kick oft big time un avva tantrum int stor. Bastids. Un ter fink they charged me twice fer me narnas. Bastids ergen.
Yeah, I too have more 13mm than i can shake a stick at I even have two different type of ratchet ones.
Tother day stepson asked me to take a back wheel off his campervan to sort out the squeal he constantly had coming from it. Despite having two socket sets with me over here, I did not have a 1/2" drive 21mm socket. Embarrasingly I only had a 3/8" drive one, so I tried it with an adapter and of course the adapter snapped first pull. We didn't have time for us to go down the mountain to buy a 21mm 1/2".
Then the other day doing a different job I discovered I did have a 21mm ring spanner, so could have done it, probably, with a lot of cursing and smacking of stuff with a Foff hammer. The ring spanner is in my French household kit, which I hardly ever use. In the UK I have compressor, windy gun, sockets to go with etc, etc, etc!:rolleyes:

There ye go tell the misses you've picked your crimbo prezzy impact gun n sockets :D:D
Bit further on than Cowdenbeath.

Aye they Ken yer coming up laddie Ken..Ken..Ken fkn Ken lol :D

So relaxed here I had to walk myself the mutt is lying sleeping on the bottom of the bed.
Cleaned & re-lit the fire off out to wash the car then shopping only cause I need some cold
galvanising paint.
Not a cloud in the sky stunning morning.

BTW fertan makes yer hands blue. o_O
Wot did yer get?
I got an Axminster No5 plane to accompany my No4
two planes.jpg

I also got a pen mandrel kit.
Pen Mandrel.jpg
Back from the building site of doom :)
I only went there to escape the screaming and fighting of the grand-kids and for a bit of peace & quiet and manly banter.
We did get self-leveling compound mixed & laid on the 2 areas of the floor requiring it. Looks great now.
UF/CH kit arrives Monday so we will crack on laying that Tuesday/Weds and then start on the laminate floor immediately afterwards.
I am teasing my son that after his initial boast of "me and Thom will smash all the work out in 3-weeks" at the beginning of this project (a month ago) and his revised "2 more weeks" (as of last Sunday) that my advent calendar now says "11-Days" and I am kicking him & his lot out on Day-Zero. :D
Did I see right, is his UF/CH water or liquid based?
Daughter had that in admittedly a large house (250 sq metres) but they dug up a mahoosive amount of land to lay the underground heat source pipes and the machinery took half of their utility room which is the size of a small kitchen.
Or is he having a boiler? In which case, that looks like a betterer idea!
Anyway fascinating following this.!

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