There ye go tell the misses you've picked your crimbo prezzy impact gun n sockets :D:D
True, she allus asks me what I want and I have to review the tool list and add to it if nec. so may put it on, but on dodgy ground in France until the blessed shower is finished!
But the 2 or 4 post lift will have to wait as got nowhere to put it!
:) Warm out there but no sun , yet.
Enjoy your weekend fun, folks.:)
Tis gonna be a fryup here. 35 degrees. An the dog's coat is so thick it took all day yesterday for it to dry, so we have left cutting her till today!!
Still enjoyed being able to jump in the pool yesterday eve, coupla lengths, out onto cheapest but most relaxing sunbed we own, then dog jumps in my lap, which is how I knew she was still damp. dry off in sun, get hot, jump in pool, loop and repeat till sun went completely down! Will pay for it today!
Aye they Ken yer coming up laddie Ken..Ken..Ken fkn Ken lol :D

So relaxed here I had to walk myself the mutt is lying sleeping on the bottom of the bed.
Cleaned & re-lit the fire off out to wash the car then shopping only cause I need some cold
galvanising paint.
Not a cloud in the sky stunning morning.

BTW fertan makes yer hands blue. o_O
"relit the fire" ??????????? christ is it that cold in Scotty land? Need to get some parritch in you!
"relit the fire" ??????????? christ is it that cold in Scotty land? Need to get some parritch in you!

For the misses she is always cold too feckn hot in my house I cant bare it, well thats untrue being bare is how I strut about the house haha
The fire does our hot water so it gets lit then the air flow turned right down so any time within the next 6-8 hours it can be turned up again. :)
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Wishin gude mornin to us vrens. It be sultry doan yer, cloady wiv no ren an no zun nyver but air be evvy. Us boys dun wurk lars week, it were shock tu zyztem but us did overcum: us bought nu tules on account uv it.
Now us ev to go an moyssen Polly an prop up turmarters. Then us ev tur pick runner beens as they be takin ovver.
Us preciates us as missed Bugwotch updates an us be fearful ov the wurst.
Tis gonna be a fryup here. 35 degrees. An the dog's coat is so thick it took all day yesterday for it to dry, so we have left cutting her till today!!
Still enjoyed being able to jump in the pool yesterday eve, coupla lengths, out onto cheapest but most relaxing sunbed we own, then dog jumps in my lap, which is how I knew she was still damp. dry off in sun, get hot, jump in pool, loop and repeat till sun went completely down! Will pay for it today!

Sounds amazing chilling by a pool :cool::cool: Lucky bugger. :D;)
Sounds amazing chilling by a pool :cool::cool: Lucky bugger. :D;)
Counts as an "unexpected late afternoon off" normally work six days a week here, and it is laughingly called a "holiday home"! We both joke about it. Wonder when, after 12 years, the holiday is going to start?! We go away at Christmas for our holiday! Here we have to plan for the odd day or evening out. Buying wine is quite holidayish as it involves a long drive into the country through the mountains and gorges, a lunch, wine tasting, buying then a nice drive back.
Luckily we don't have planned stays for other guests yet and with the perspective of quarantine, we aren't expecting any!
But yes, am not complaining really. We do get up late and do F all after 5-6 o'clock. And the pool is always there when the water is warm enough, which reminds me, better go and open it up!
Morning All :D
Sorry I'm late. A mate called up for a chat for an hour or so on the blower. :)
Nice day here (so far), a little overcast, but due to clear and get all hot & sweaty later.
I am NOT visiting"the site" today (no need really).:)
I may play "trike-stuff" instead. Or go for a ride.
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:) Warm out there but no sun , yet.
Enjoy your weekend fun, folks.:)
So we tried to clip the other dog, blinkin clippers still can't cope, managed to do outer and inner sides of ears then gave up. Insanely hot here.
so just sat down and ordered new blades, crossing fingers that is all that is wrong with the machine. Then at least we'll have two sets and can get one sharpened while using tothers.
But she does have an insanely thick coat which we weren't able to get clipped during lockdown so has got stupidly thick.
Tothern is running around like a spring lamb, obvs prefers it!
Thirdn wifey cut with scissors as she hates the clippers but her coat is thinner, and she runs around like a nutter all the time anyway so we can't tell the diff
At least my "mod" on the scissors worked, nothing like a few minutes on a stone followed by a belt or two with an ammer!
So there we are worrrying about the dogs overheating unclipped in 42 deg heat in the sun, and here they are sunbathing. One not clipped, tother clipped. They is barmy!


(Very roughly clipped!:rolleyes:)
Why do we worry!:rolleyes:
No spuds ter nite. It be too ott. Sossij sandwedg int sted. Av dun nowt terday. It be not pland that way. Eye wur gonna change me brayk pads. Eye'll do it morra int sted. Am garn wotch ramsey nite mers now. Alaska oft road layta. Eye fella sheep this afta noon readin erbowt bandsors.
Hope folks had a good start to the weekend:)

Cat has come up for his evening get together. Now he is trying to lick the skin off my arm;). He often has a little lick and thought it was perhaps the salt.
Is he trying to tell me I need a shower:D he’s been at it 10 mins now by golly do you know how rough a cats tongue is:eek: Anyway he’s done my forearm top and bottom. Now Ms gone to bed so he’s left in the hope of food via the kitchen:).

Big petrolhead dilemma tomorrow F1 & MotoGP races start at the same time:(


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