[QUOTELandiGirl;3143906]That was the plan :p:D ... I could build me a treefort, live off a tiny plot of land (I don't eat much) and pay my way by washing the dishes, holding faerie catching excursions and giving rides on my unicorn ;) x[/QUOTE]

There is a no unicorn policy so I hear
Happy to bung in a tenner when the time comes - loads of great scout memories between 1973 and 1985 and know just how much time the leaders give up

Daft thought - see the topic has had several hundred 'views' but there must be others like me that only dip in and out of 'Anything Goes'

Do Roy or Accy have the ability to send a 'can you help' email to all our members, or is that just too pushy?
Daft thought - see the topic has had several hundred 'views' but there must be others like me that only dip in and out of 'Anything Goes'

Do Roy or Accy have the ability to send a 'can you help' email to all our members, or is that just too pushy?

+1 ... If worded well I wouldn't think it were pushy ... might break the servers though sending out that many emails :eek: x
Happy to bung in a tenner when the time comes - loads of great scout memories between 1973 and 1985 and know just how much time the leaders give up

Thank you

Daft thought - see the topic has had several hundred 'views' but there must be others like me that only dip in and out of 'Anything Goes'

Chose anything goes as regulars tend to be more reliably prepared to dip into pocket-could teleport to general section

Do Roy or Accy have the ability to send a 'can you help' email to all our members, or is that just too pushy?
low key collection, I know emails wouldn't happen as I asked Roy for 10th meet.

+1 ... If worded well I wouldn't think it were pushy ... might break the servers though sending out that many emails :eek: x

Me too
So I joined the Brownies and then the Girl Guides ..:D
I'll throw in a £10 ..( sorry it can't be more but I'm sponsoring a guide dog this year :))

Cheers Muds
Funnily enough I never listen to the radio but had a panic attack at supermarket check out and had to send hubbie in to pay and pack. He'd left the radio on in the van and it was a Scout teaching the DJ how to tie those knots that you use to tether something to a tree (can't remember what they were called).

When asked whther he's ever had to use it, the young man replied that as a senior scout (I think that's what he said and I think it was 14 to 18), he'd used it to anchor a tent to a tree whilst on a Scouts expedition in Tibet.

As he quite rightly pointed out, the scouts is a brilliant way even for teenagers to continue to explore and fun in a safe environment. He couldn't wait to become a Scout Master. :)

My Lil' Bro was a scout ... I can still see hi now in his uniform, with with woggle, singing some filthy song that started ..

Dib dib dib
Dob dob dob
Blue Beasty £10
dogsbody £10
fanatic £10
Blackstrat £10
tina2709 £10
Silverlandy £10
nickp3003 £10
LandiGirl £50
Freddy 007 £10
mrnice £10
listerdiesel £10 + company £20
accywingy £10
Pontyslapper £10
Station House £10
Gemsdad £20
Muds £10
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Eeeeeeer .... Hand off mine ... he's thpeshul ... and he's called Rita ... I know he's thpeshul as male horses are just unicorns with a horn, whereas mine is a shemale :p x

:rolleyes: shoot the unicorn and roast on an open fire.

anyway back to the job in hand
Spoken to my friend Andy and we can use field and facilities in sept for £5 person per night.
Blue Beasty is happy to travel down to do some skills of some sort as he's done with school before.

My mate the expeditionary could offer some abseiling if scouts insurance covers it or other activities.

My suggestion is we ask pontyslapper for some prices with company name and telephone number, I will then collect money and pay companies over phone so pontyslapper can collect goods locally.

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