I heard their spending money on trying to prosecute people caught fox hunting and stuff alike, it's not all about the poor starving puppy with cigarette burns in his back left abandoned in a shed.

where have i said anything like that?,can you show me.but if you look abit more into the RSPCA you will see where the money goes.:rolleyes:
Have you looked at what the charity is all about Fanny ... there was a genuine lack of facilities for teenagers with cancer ... that was the gap they filled :) x

Yes I have looked at the link and group discussion on where money donated is spent, not my place to say which is more deserving- so we agree between ourselves.

Last time we raised several hundred pounds between us and Items agreed with hospice and bought and delivered to hospice so money couldn't be spent on administration.

All good Ideas, keep them coming
Yes I have looked at the link and group discussion on where money donated is spent, not my place to say which is more deserving- so we agree between ourselves.

Last time we raised several hundred pounds between us and Items agreed with hospice and bought and delivered to hospice so money couldn't be spent on administration.

All good Ideas, keep them coming

So what happens ... do we just all donate or do something jointly or as a group?

Love the idea of delivering the item direct.

At the Dub shows there were auctions which raised most of the money :)
My daughter works (voluntarily) for this lot, who provide respite holidays for young carers and disadvantaged inner-city kids.

So what happens ... do we just all donate or do something jointly or as a group?

Love the idea of delivering the item direct.

At the Dub shows there were auctions which raised most of the money :)

Last time I collected money on behalf of LZ, bought items that children's Hospice Southwest asked for which from memory
Laser star- mains adapter cosmic light show, fantastic patterns
Large sensory Parachute
Mains adapter professional bubble machine and LOTS of BUBBLES

There was a small residual amount and some collected locally added to it that was put into a pot for children to have some pizza as a treat.

At the time I provided photo's of items bought and hospice confirmed and sent thank you card which I posted on LZ
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My daughter works (voluntarily) for this lot, who provide respite holidays for young carers and disadvantaged inner-city kids.


That's kind of cool voluntary work and I don't doubt it gives children hope from troubled backgrounds, I do want to ask how the costs are so high on some of the activities?

Almost makes you want to take out public liability insurance and look at activities for children with their guardian along to supervise.

Realistically we are going to be able to raise maybe £200 or so

Rock climbing or similar via a YMCA we could pay for on behalf of a charity as a thought
I will throw in £50.

How about an online auction of things we all have either lying around that we don't want/need or making something etc ... just to raise more money ... only thinking our loud :) x
I'm in, the online auction bit sounds good, hopefully I will have some second hand but good bilstien shocks and a few other landy goodies I could chuck in. At the least either way I will chuck in a tenner.
I'm in, the online auction bit sounds good, hopefully I will have some second hand but good bilstien shocks and a few other landy goodies I could chuck in. At the least either way I will chuck in a tenner.

:D good man
Call me a cheeky get if you like but I'd like to put forward my very own scout group as our cause. We run out of an old wooden hut and only charge the kids 2 quid a week. We are a small group of just 2 leaders with about 20 kids across cubs and scouts.

Most of our fundraising goes on running the hall and other essential fees. So we are lacking good basic gear like tents etc. I managed to source and fundraise our last 2 tents about 5 years ago and these are now starting to show their age despite being looked after often out of my own pocket.

I really would be grateful if the LZ massive could find a little support for us as we are one of the oldest, continuous scout groups in our area. Others have closed due to lack of support and crippling fees. We are hoping to carry on as long as we can.
Call me a cheeky get if you like but I'd like to put forward my very own scout group as our cause. We run out of an old wooden hut and only charge the kids 2 quid a week. We are a small group of just 2 leaders with about 20 kids across cubs and scouts.

Most of our fundraising goes on running the hall and other essential fees. So we are lacking good basic gear like tents etc. I managed to source and fundraise our last 2 tents about 5 years ago and these are now starting to show their age despite being looked after often out of my own pocket.

I really would be grateful if the LZ massive could find a little support for us as we are one of the oldest, continuous scout groups in our area. Others have closed due to lack of support and crippling fees. We are hoping to carry on as long as we can.

Sounds worthwhile to me :)
How we gonna pay?

I'll put in a ten spot and the company can add another twenty.


Im in for a tenner how do I get it to u?

Thank you both, Last time I used paypal to collect when we settled on a cause and items to be bought and happy to provide proof of purchase and delivery to cause.

I quite like the Idea of scouts as I have fond memories of building camp fires etc.

Shout out a preference and concensus of opinion wins:D
Obviously I'm going to vote for my scout group, oh and I'll chuck a tenner in't pot regardless of if we 'win' or not. Also, should we be lucky enough to be sponsored by the LZ massive, if you guys are agreeable and allow me as an LZ member to be responsible for sourcing the gear locally as I can then trudge around the outlets and see if the powers that be in said outlets could be willing to assist further. Sort of like 'match funding' if you like - that's how I manage our spending now.

Then any funds we don't use could be returned to the LZ pot to help another cause.
Thank you both, Last time I used paypal to collect when we settled on a cause and items to be bought and happy to provide proof of purchase and delivery to cause.

I quite like the Idea of scouts as I have fond memories of building camp fires etc.

Shout out a preference and concensus of opinion wins:D

I'm with the scouts, they do a fab job and I think landy driving is about ppl enjoying the great outdoors (especially on the road side when broken down) as is the scouts.. Dib dib
Plus you could probably get loads of camping gear for the money cos all the sales are on !

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