If you heat the bolt, and it expands, I think what he is trying to say is it will then be harder to get the nut off it. So you should use heat on the nut but freeze the bolt and you (in theory) will have no problem taking them apart.

Something like that yeah.... :D it was all right in my head!!:doh:
Aw ben its a shame you cant get to wales.. not sure many of us will be going at this rate though if that's any consolation :D:D

I know... Gutted!! :( However I am looking at moving back to Shropshire end of next month so next time your close I'll catch ya!! I'm still hoping to make the odd pub meet too! If you ever fancy coming this way for a weekend I'll show ya round!!
Morning All,

Its been a while since been on here, cant believe this thread is actually still going lol. Hope your all ok, had a good Easter etc etc. Me truck is off the road at the min, changing various parts again lol but hopefully be done soon and would defo be good for a catch up, see all the old faces and Im sure all the new ones.

Welsh trip sounds good might be up for that depending on dates etc, I will read back through thread an see when your all thinking and whether i can make it.

Pub meets still happen??

Hopefully speak soon,

Hi Glenn

Wales trip is planned for later on this week, possibly heading off in friday.
But who knows at the moment as we all seem to be dealing with brakages.

The pub meet does still happen, First wednesday of the month at the White Lion, In Dunstable.
Lol not too bad much better than yesterday yin yesterday! Might even go and sort out my steering in a sec! How you doin with your Landy almost there?
Other than a test drive, Its about there i think, Just need to secure the second battery down. Shall go for a drive to the garage later, need to sort the tyre pressures out, they be a bit on the low side.
Woop Got my spare wheel mounted Even ATS wouldn't touch it apparently unless they sell you the tyre they cannot mount it company policy so I went down the road the a nice Pakistani man and he had my £10!
Right My old man made me a drop arm nut for my steering box double thickness propper job have lock tight and a lock tab washer time to redoo my Drop arm and possibly rip into removing the STUPID rear exhaust off and make it half decent
Woop Got my spare wheel mounted Even ATS wouldn't touch it apparently unless they sell you the tyre they cannot mount it company policy so I went down the road the a nice Pakistani man and he had my £10!

Amazingly , qwik fit mounted my muds for me but it did cost a bit lol! On a bank holiday when they have no customers and no management working, they did them for me.
Sounds like your getting on well Jai.

How's your landy getting on LRJ? did you manage to find somewhere?

I now have the last couple of bits i needed. Time to go finish off.
Bassingbourn was full so I took it to Graveley. The guy said he could do all of it and have it finished by the end of tomorrow as long as it doesn't involve a new fuel tank, so I should be ready on time! :D Depends a bit when you guys are ready but I might go tomorrow evening straight to my relative in pembrokeshire and then meet you in north wales if you are coming up on thursday.

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