BenjyP Don't worry fella we're jealous too! Maybe a second visit later in the year will be in order!
Sounds like a good plan Jai, They seem to be pushing the enviromentally/eco friendly campsite kinda thing, hense why they may not be keen on 4X4's or maybe due to a bad expirience in the past. There's only 3 of us at the moment so not that bigger group. can't see too much of a problem.
BenjyP Don't worry fella we're jealous too! Maybe a second visit later in the year will be in order!

Definitely, like I said I'm going back to shropshire full time end of May so its literally only half hour to Welsh border and I like to go at least once a month!! South Shropshire has some decent lanes too, I also wanna try Wiltshire/Sailsbury way and return to the Lakes... Quite a bit to fit in!!
Lmao that list is a bit shorter than I had imagined it would be a few weeks back!!

I will be dropping off a chest of drawers in pembrokeshire first, might leave the road tyres there and come back for them afterwards. If not it won't be much of a problem because I have luggage straps / ratchets to tie them down with and they can just go under the landy when we set up camp.

Still not sure if my mate will be with me but I'll get a yes / no out of him tomorrow fingers crossed!
Definitely, like I said I'm going back to shropshire full time end of May so its literally only half hour to Welsh border and I like to go at least once a month!! South Shropshire has some decent lanes too, I also wanna try Wiltshire/Sailsbury way and return to the Lakes... Quite a bit to fit in!!

Sounds like Shropshire is the place to be based if you're a greenlaner :D:D
Definitely, like I said I'm going back to shropshire full time end of May so its literally only half hour to Welsh border and I like to go at least once a month!! South Shropshire has some decent lanes too, I also wanna try Wiltshire/Sailsbury way and return to the Lakes... Quite a bit to fit in!!

Sounds like Shropshire is the place to be based if you're a greenlaner :D:D

I love it Jack... Its more rolling hills than Welsh mountains but a good mix of tight, twisty, rocky, wooded and few good fords to boot too!! Come visit when I'm back!! So much on your door step, I can take 3 decent byways just to get to Sainsburys...
Thought I recognised the name Llangollen! Can't remember much but I swear I went there a couple of years ago for something or other.. Before the landy days :D
LRJ Many thanks for the offer... I wouldn't consider going alone after planning to take the two boys. After all the work Kai has done it would be a bit of a kick in the teeth. If you need a CB then I have one here that you are welcome to borrow. There's a mount and stuff as well. I imagine that Jai could bring it with him and it wouldn't take too long to set up on site I am sure...

Having a lift today wouldn't have helped I don't think. I have the Astra ready to go in any case and we'll be stripping bits out of the other vehicle all day tomorrow... Making a bit of a habit missing these trips out; but I am sure that we will be heading over there later in the season and maybe a few will make the return trip then.

Anyone got a jenny I could use for the morrow btw? Would make my day much shorter methinks.

Oooh if you have a cb I could borrow that would be very much appreciated :D:D Atm its a toy on a very very long list!! Found myself saying 'one day' quite a few times to Adam yesterday lol!!!
Oooh if you have a cb I could borrow that would be very much appreciated :D:D Atm its a toy on a very very long list!! Found myself saying 'one day' quite a few times to Adam yesterday lol!!!

You did indeed, And im sure i must have said the same a few times too.
Oooh if you have a cb I could borrow that would be very much appreciated :D:D Atm its a toy on a very very long list!! Found myself saying 'one day' quite a few times to Adam yesterday lol!!!

You did indeed, And im sure i must have said the same a few times too.

Don't we all!!
Thought I recognised the name Llangollen! Can't remember much but I swear I went there a couple of years ago for something or other.. Before the landy days :D

There is (was) a great fish and chip shop in Llangollen!! Not to mention great kayaking down the river!!
There is (was) a great fish and chip shop in Llangollen!! Not to mention great kayaking down the river!!

Ooooo. chippies! :D:D

If I remember rightly, as you go through the town on the A5 you go straight over the T junction traffic lights and there's a carpark on the right, its just down there along the road towards the river... Been a while though, not been that way for ages, now when I go to Bala I go straight over the Berwyns... Much nicer route.
Yopu're welcome to borrow the CB. If Jai is not leaving until after tomorrow evening then maybe he could bring it with him. I shall be out all day tomorrow but The rig is in the Landy and it will not be locked. There is a mount on top that simply needs to be unscrewed though if anyone has a mag-mount it would be quicker for you if you have a magnetic surface to attach it to.

Remember that if you mount the antenna on aluminium you will need to run an earth from the outer edge of the mount to something sensible in order to create a ground plane for the signal to be handled properly. Failure to do this will result in a blown output transistor.

If you would be kind enough to return it to Jai to bring back for me I would appreciate it.

Jai I hope you don't mind me volunteering you!

Finally... Have a brillliant trip.
There is (was) a great fish and chip shop in Llangollen!! Not to mention great kayaking down the river!!

But is there a station, cause with the amount of vehicle repairs going on, I'm pretty a sure a train is the only way some of these boys will get to Wales :D
Just got a call from the garage ... after he did a general check for things that would fail the mot. He thinks the pas box and pump both need replacing :(:( but the bearing doesn't need doing. NSF brake pipe as we had worked out was leaking and needs replacing. Although it was fairly obvious to us yesterday where the fuel was leaking from, they want to take the tank out to look. We forgot to check the prop ujs which need doing too. I THINK that's all he said !! :lol: going to ring back and quote me but he said it will be a fair whack. Somehow I doubt he will have it ready in time. I'll let you know when I get a call back :(

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