Well I've fitted my drop arm all Good I've removed a secton of exhaust now my tyres do not rub!! Woo Hoo! Spare is sorted Got to get all my tools together remove and reit my sounddeadening and seats pack all my tools ect getting there slowly.

Could do with some flexi exhaust hose really and some bits n bobs but slowly slowly

Hows Ryder Not heared from him for a while?
Well - Lee's just spoken to me and let me know that everything is ok for us to go over there tomorrow morning and get the bits off the Disco. We'll be strpping as much useful stuff as we can. Planning on grabbing calipers and props xfer box and so on. Might end up being a two dayer if we run into problems!

This weekend is looking decidedly dodgy... simply have not had time to do the essential repairs on the disco that we thought we would get done and the idea of swimming in what is akin to a teabag is none too appealing! Still we will be working our asses off and trying our utmost to be there. Just to add interest... the Astra is due an MOT in a couple of weeks too, though I do not know of anything that it might fail on.

Jai Good to hear that you are feeling a little better and the motor is proceeding - We'll be relying on you lot for a load of photos tha knows!

LRJ Did you arrange for the garage to free off the caliper? Great that they should have the job done in time for the trip.
Yes I told the garage about the caliper that wouldn't come off. Chris if you can't make it I don't know for sure whether my mate will be coming with me. He has a lot of uni work on so it may be I have a free seat, just don't know at this stage. Unfortunately Kai or any others won't be able to come unless they can scrounge seats of anyone else :D:D I am hoping to go tomorrow evening if the landy is ready and will be in Corwen for about 11am on thursday if all goes to plan.

Jai can you let me know the name of the campsite you have found?

Adam, I found your Rave manual CD in my computer today, hope you don't need it tomorrow. I will bring it with me if i remember! Lots of things I am trying to remember to take atm!!
Chris woulda helped you if i could have today but I had no transport myself :( I was offered a free courtesy car from the garage, but then I had to tell them I was under 25 so they couldn't insure me on it :mad:
Evenin all, I should be good to go by lunch time tomorrow, I hope.... How are you looking Jai?
If your going Lunch timish tomorrow I wouldn't mind meeting up and heading over together.

Hmm, They gave me a car last time :rolleyes: They going to MOT it as well?
hiya guys,

i'll be honest I got stuff to sort tomorroz so will not be ready until Thursday morning. I'll head up Thursday morning earlyish

do you both have CBs working? Is it worth me bolting mine in?
have a great time guys.

If things get dull this weekend, I might blast down in the Subaru, shouldn't take too long to get to you. How do you think it'll cope with the lanes?;):D
Ok thursday morning sounds even better! I have a Working CB, LRJ hasn't got one i don't think....
We can meet LRJ at the campsite later in the day on the thursday, as i know he has some delivery duties in wales and i don't think it would survive a day or two's laning.

Can get a few other jobs done tomorrow as well then. :D

Can see if would cope........ :rolleyes:
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lrj are you carrying your tyres around all the time? I'd just run your muds carrying lotsa extra weight on the lanes seems a bit pointless
LRJ Many thanks for the offer... I wouldn't consider going alone after planning to take the two boys. After all the work Kai has done it would be a bit of a kick in the teeth. If you need a CB then I have one here that you are welcome to borrow. There's a mount and stuff as well. I imagine that Jai could bring it with him and it wouldn't take too long to set up on site I am sure...

Having a lift today wouldn't have helped I don't think. I have the Astra ready to go in any case and we'll be stripping bits out of the other vehicle all day tomorrow... Making a bit of a habit missing these trips out; but I am sure that we will be heading over there later in the season and maybe a few will make the return trip then.

Anyone got a jenny I could use for the morrow btw? Would make my day much shorter methinks.
I'm getting jealous!! I wanna be there!! I miss them Welsh hills!! Jai or anyone, can you get a decent mark up of a map or at least jot down grid refs for me for the pub meet?? I'm gonna be in wales a lot over the summer and wanna see if you any I haven't done, and if I haven't I wanna do them later on!! :D
I'm getting jealous!! I wanna be there!! I miss them Welsh hills!! Jai or anyone, can you get a decent mark up of a map or at least jot down grid refs for me for the pub meet?? I'm gonna be in wales a lot over the summer and wanna see if you any I haven't done, and if I haven't I wanna do them later on!! :D

I'm sure we can give it a go. I have a willing passenger, Not too sure on her map reading skills though....... :eek:
This one was first choice:


However when I phoned them they were a bit funny about groups and said somthing about off roaders I'll ring in the morning.

So we have:

Thursday night, Jai, Beaker & partner, LRJ
Friday night Jai, Beaker & partner, LRJ
Saturday night Jai Beaker & partner, LRJ

I'll be leaving probably earlyish Sunday to get back.

If this is right i'll ring ahead and find out how much and if there is spaces available


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