I have a jerry can, But it is full and there's no room in me tank! :doh:

I shall txt you my number and if you would be so kind to send me your address i shall see you in the morning at about 10/11 O clock time.

I have a spare wheel bearing set and a set of UJ's to hand.
Have a pump waiting over at ware... but can not drive the motor to get there... (if anyone os over that way this weekend I would be very grateful for a shout!

I was just thinking of offering a ride. Unfortunately I have a can in my hand, and it's not the first. Sorry bud.
Morning Spydie!! How's you?

Good thanks Kev. I've managed 25.2 mpg average so far, which is much better than I expected to get, so all is good. Sun has been shining. Walk on Charmouth beach this morning with the dog, sea was like a mill pond. Back home tomorrow, give the Scooby a bit more stick on the way back.
woop Landy fixin all round then tomorrow will be a squeeze just to get ready let alone fully sorted! Best get our asses in gear to sort our motors aye!
I think, I may have mine sorted! I say think, Not been for a drive yet, But all should be ok. Just see if we can get LRJ up and running for an MOT on Tuesday tomorrow.

What have you left to do Jai?
quite a bit tbh, sorting my steering tomorrow. Will try and sort my seats sound proofing etc.

Need to make the sound system better and a a few other niggles spare wheel to be mounted and sort out my tools recovery gear ect indicator lenses and some other fannying stuff.
Well... how's this for a laugh...

Kai has done both wheel bearings this weekend... fine fella that he is. I thought it best to take the motor out and test it so we went out and about over toward leighton buzzard...

70 mph... pas pump siezes and melts through drive belts. Now have no alternator or cooling and need a pas pump to fit before rthe belts anyhow...

Have a pump waiting over at ware... but can not drive the motor to get there... (if anyone os over that way this weekend I would be very grateful for a shout! Not on my phone though cos that's bleedin' knackered n'all.

Other than that the weekend's going well!
I told you this will happen lol hope you get it sorted fella for the trip.

Wish evey1 going Wales all the best and hope you have a good time and wish I was going :-( maybe next time :)
quite a bit tbh, sorting my steering tomorrow. Will try and sort my seats sound proofing etc.

Need to make the sound system better and a a few other niggles spare wheel to be mounted and sort out my tools recovery gear ect indicator lenses and some other fannying stuff.

Hmm, Audio's the only thing I've not really been bothered to sort, one too many things, And i have a passenger this time round.
I told you this will happen lol hope you get it sorted fella for the trip.

Wish evey1 going Wales all the best and hope you have a good time and wish I was going :-( maybe next time :)
I hate people who say "I told you so":D

I knew it was a possibility but was trying to hold on until I could get the replacement from Ware. If I can angle a lift over there tomorrow I should be able to get the motor going again pretty sharpish and still be in with a shout for next weekend maybe.
At this rate we wont be going anywhere till Thrsday at the earliest!

Jai, What speeds are you capable of at the moment?
At this rate we wont be going anywhere till Thrsday at the earliest!

Jai, What speeds are you capable of at the moment?
Oh dear... that's the first time I've seen Jai's 90 and the word "speed" in the same sentence!
.can sit at 55 60 all day long hopefully my fuel lasts longer then last time! I have swapped my tranny box and its approx 20 percent higher geared than last time!!
40 means 4th gear realistically so I reckon you could get better economy at 48 or so :p Plus it might take you a few light years to get to wales :D:D
Na just abouve tick over at 40 for me in 5th.
That aint too bad, can live with that :D At least it wont drink like a V8 now.

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