Great Thanks, I don't know if you heard, but I got sick of all the idiot people that live in London, and moved to Dorset, where the people are still idiots, but there are much less of them :D

These are the views out my bedroom windows...



There are also sea views from the 3 spare bedrooms :D
Thanks for all the help guys, ridiculously busy at work today and pretty stressful if people are being knobs about it as well! Not my idea of fun on a bank holiday lol!

In the light that was left when I got back I prodded around the diesel tank and the leak seems to be either coming from the fuel line or where it meets the tank and is dribbling down the outside of it. Of course there is no way of seeing the top of the tank unless I take it out, so Ill have to drain it (almost full) and remove it to have any more of a look. Brake pipes I have not had a chance to look at yet and the wheel hub I haven't a clue about.

PAS box /pump I will have to investigate tomorrow and see where the leak is coming from. Does anyone know which part might be the problem? The steering can be
very tough as if the system is not working if you begin to steer in one direction and then it becomes reasonably easy to turn further (as I guess it should be) until you go in the other direction. I know it is leaking but have not identified where from yet.

Can it be failed on uneven suspension? I think one side is sagging a bit (1 or 2 cm lower than the other side).

Thanks so much for all your help again guys, B3aker that would be great if you would have a chance to check on Sunday / Monday. I will keep you posted about how I get on and let you know. Kris, PM recieved, I will get back to you when I know a bit more.

Ryder was the drop arm nut 35mm in the end? I wanna get me an impact socket tomorroz cos i've gotta change my drag link for a straight one and not a bent one!
33 mm Jai... I have one here that belongs to Mr. V. Obviously still waiting to fit another PAS box so if you wanna nip across and try it for size...
Thanks for all the help guys, ridiculously busy at work today and pretty stressful if people are being knobs about it as well! Not my idea of fun on a bank holiday lol!

In the light that was left when I got back I prodded around the diesel tank and the leak seems to be either coming from the fuel line or where it meets the tank and is dribbling down the outside of it. Of course there is no way of seeing the top of the tank unless I take it out, so Ill have to drain it (almost full) and remove it to have any more of a look. Brake pipes I have not had a chance to look at yet and the wheel hub I haven't a clue about.

PAS box /pump I will have to investigate tomorrow and see where the leak is coming from. Does anyone know which part might be the problem? The steering can be
very tough as if the system is not working if you begin to steer in one direction and then it becomes reasonably easy to turn further (as I guess it should be) until you go in the other direction. I know it is leaking but have not identified where from yet.

Can it be failed on uneven suspension? I think one side is sagging a bit (1 or 2 cm lower than the other side).

Thanks so much for all your help again guys, B3aker that would be great if you would have a chance to check on Sunday / Monday. I will keep you posted about how I get on and let you know. Kris, PM recieved, I will get back to you when I know a bit more.


Hi Mate... regarding the PAS box: Open the bonnet and start the engine. Watch the pas box while you turn the steering wheel first in one direction and then in the other. Pressure will cause the leak to shove fuid out and you should be able to see where from. Make sure you clean the box first though. If you spray degreaser on it and use a jetwash to get all the existing **** off it the leak should be easily visible.

Did you say the wheel bearings need doing? Pretty straight forward... (although I was shown how to do it the first time by Kev and Jai). Kai did my driver side one today on his own and it took him about two and a half hours. He wasn't rushing though, he was simply concentrating on getting everything right. Make sure you have thread-lock and rtv sealant before you start! Also beg borrow or steal a hub nut spanner... they only cost about a fiver but hammering away at the nut with a big chisel is not the recommended method ;)
Great Thanks, I don't know if you heard, but I got sick of all the idiot people that live in London, and moved to Dorset, where the people are still idiots, but there are much less of them :D

There are also sea views from the 3 spare bedrooms :D

Fookin 'ell I'm coming to your house! Does it make you want to stay at home rather than fookin off to exotic sandy places?
33 mm Jai... I have one here that belongs to Mr. V. Obviously still waiting to fit another PAS box so if you wanna nip across and try it for size...

Cheers Chris, i'll go get one soon.

I'm nursing a RC modelling injury LOL! Kinda like the Discovery Channel Advert a bloke turning up to A&E with a model boat glued to his head.

Spitfiremk1uk can testify of my stupidity. Bandage on me finger is a give away. A broken prop followed by me saying ow feck that hurt and blood was final the outcome so staying away from grease until my finger decides to bond itself back together. So missing out on this weeks comp in Thurrock which is a ****er but will go flyin instead I guess!
Twas Really Really miffed doin' somthing stupid and to boot I didn't have a spare prop luckily a friendly club member lent me her spare so I could continue finger destruction!
Fookin 'ell I'm coming to your house! Does it make you want to stay at home rather than fookin off to exotic sandy places?

For the time being I'm very happy staying right here (well apart from taking the dogs to the beach once a day, and of course going to shop to buy beer and sometimes to the pub for more beer :) Although I rekon in a year the novelty will have worn off and I'll be itching to go off again, probably to Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania... and that also gives me some time to figure out the stock market, which is where my future funds will be coming from, allegedly :D
Hi Booger, I'm just down the road in Axminster this weekend. Giving the Subaru a blast round my B-i-L's farm this afternoon.
LRJ, I have a box spanner and a hub nut socket, also done a few wheel bearings so know what im doing there. I shall pop them over to you monday.
Noticed a sound coming from the PAS resevoir as if there was a small air leak when the wheel was being turned. Also worked out (i think) that the leak is actually coming from the resevoir as well. This could be good news and may mean I might not need a new box / pump right? Drained the resevoir by taking a pipe off the bottom with the lid screwed on. Fluid comes out smoothly without any 'globs' as bubbles of air seep in. Surely this means there is an air leak above the fluid level or does the other pipe carry air from elsewhere?
Brake pipes have light surface rust which i could scrape off with a fingernail. Garage was taking the ****. If what he describes as 'NSF Hub excessive play' is a bearing then hopefully I can do that with B3aker on monday (if your offer is still there :p).

That means the only thing left that I know of is the fuel tank leak. I guess theres no option but to drain the tank and remove it to have a look. :(
Thinking about it I have heard a good few squeaks from the nsf wheel when accelerating hard. Is it more likely to be a wheel bearing or swivel? Where can I get the parts for monday :eek:
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Jai will know of somewhere to get parts, But it may have to be a first thing tuesday morning jobby and MOT in the afternoon. I think I have a spare wheel bearing, may have the right nuts also as i got the wrong ones sent one time. Could have posibly sent them Jai's way though. Offer is still there, I need to get to the bank at some point, but that will have to be tuesday morning.
I have two spare bearings.... came off my 200tdi disco but I think they are the same as Jai's and therefore probably yours. They are used though... so only use them if you really need them else wait and spend fourteen quid on some from paddocks. BTW if you do buy them from paddocks, they will provide either cheap ones for four quid or Timken for 7 quid. Just my opinion but I really think the Timkin ones last better.
I have some new timken bearings here if need be will need to replace them tho before Wales there is a slim chance I'll be heading up to Paddfocks anyhow before then see how time goes
I'll be heading up to Paddfocks anyhow before then see how time goes

Was that a typo or a nickname for them? :D

If either of you can spare them it would be great, I can order some replacements with an express delivery for you Jai so they should arrive tuesday I would imagine. Would that be ok? If I can get to Luton that is. Are you about tomorrow afternoon?

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