Well after nearlly 18 months of being without a Land Rover and running a VR6 Golf i'm now on the look out for a cheap and cheerfull Landy (probably Disco with my budget). If you chaps know of one going please let me know.
It's still running but the fuel consumption is down to about 8... costs me about £40 to take the kids to school a week!:mad:
Got to be cheaper to spend a few quid on it to get a decent mpg, rather than waste so much on a weekly basis. You should be getting 15 mpg surely?
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Spyderman... if Ash is coming to Wales... maybe you could sort something out about piggybacking on his trailer!
Got to be cheaper to spend a few quid on it to get a decent mpg, rather than waste so much on a weekly basis. You should be getting close to 20 mpg surely?

There is an element of both... and other considerations too. It has no heater and I do need a motor that Rose and the kids can stay warm in when we go out and about... so more to it than simply mpg but it is a consideration.
Hi guys, sorry to crash..... but I live in Hitchin and just got my first Landy, was wondering if I could tag along for a bit of green laning, if you don't mind breaking me in with some of the easier lanes in the area. Don't want to go out by myself and get stuck!!
Hi Diesel, I was tempted to go out Sunday PM for a couple of hours just local ones and nice an gentle. I gotta be in Luton at 12.00 so after that and before dark suits me

Hi guys, sorry to crash..... but I live in Hitchin and just got my first Landy, was wondering if I could tag along for a bit of green laning, if you don't mind breaking me in with some of the easier lanes in the area. Don't want to go out by myself and get stuck!!
Welcome Mate.

As long as you've got front and rear recovery points, I'm happy to take you out and show you some lanes. I'm free this Sunday if you like.
Sibble knows the lanes are not challenging. there may be a couple of lanes that you can avoid if you want these might at worst case get some light marks on your body work where its quite narrow if anything at all.
Yes sounds good but I'm only out for a wee bit gotta get my clocks bolted back in Sunday night cos I need the landy working fully for Tuesday eve

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