For the nostalgic or those wanting to know what type of lanes are in wales here is a video, first of many, I hope, of lanes I travelled back 1990-92 with the AWDC North Start pub meet guys.

Mines the 2a with no straight panels!

[nomedia=""]YouTube - AWDC Welsh Mud Hole._0002.wmv[/nomedia]

Extracts from a video called, A dirty Weekend in West Wales.

By the by. There is a teacher, nurse and vet training collages in Aberystwyth. A target rich environment if ever there was one! And makes a great overnight stay.
Another short video with peat bog.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - AWDC Green laning wales 1990.wmv[/nomedia]
When's Wales? Seriously hoping to have nother motor before then but if for any reason I don't I would really appreciate a couple of shotgun places... sharing fuel costs of course!

U got problems with yours then, bud?
Lol Sible, no recovery points means we leave you where the tarmac ends!!

Is the gap open?

Andy are you going through Pops vids converting them to DVD/Digital?
me feckin fuel gague packed up at quarter of a tank and im looking at 10miles by mountain bike each way to fetch fuel...

anybody got the day off?

Mine has done that at just under half? I couldn't understand why it go up but not down passed this point? Thought I was loosing the plot?
Shall we all save up and buy one of these :rolleyes:


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