I don't know - turn ur back for 5 mins and 5 pages appear.

If my alternator gets here in time, I'll tag along on sunday too, if that's ok.

If all's well, I'll be up 4 Wales too.

Ryder, i'll give ya £50 for it, and you can keep the tyres...
Hi B O B,

Are you outter fuel?

Where abouts are you?

I should have a spare guage somewhere.


i reckon the floats hit the bottom of the tank and no fuel......:mad:

anyway got 25l of diesel in my ruck sack and mountain biked it!!!!!

dont ever do that my shoulders are done in......
the gague works just reads way out......:mad::mad:

so an eventfull day backwardsw and forwards.......now then....

...i bled the thing but killed the battery starting it (so i thought),....

kin starter motor is dead good and proper so now i have to get that off and recon it........:mad::mad:......all in yesterday has been ticked off as another ROVER day out...:mad::mad::D:D

think ill nick iwannas90 back.......i got a key still.....:D:D:D
i rode my BMX 3 miles there and 3 miles home when i was younger to rc car racing carrying a leisure battery rc car and all the equipment fook carrying a jerry can!
That doesn' sound too good either :eek: I've done London to Brighton a couple of times thats 55miles and goes over the south downs but not carrying that sort of weight :eek:
Your behind Mr V. Done one this year...... Well about 200 yards of it, that took long enough. :doh:

I did London to Cambridge last year, that was hell, did it with no training. :D
You cycled 10 miles and then back 10 miles with 25L on your back.. :eek: jeez I had the day off as well but I'm working today! :(

i rode 28.3 miles all in about 7 miles each way on doisel run.:eek:

i had to ride over 1 steep but short mound of a hill.i had to push the last bit on the way back :eek::eek:.my big jerry can is plain wrong with doisel in in a ruck sack....:mad:

I aslo walked 5 miles or so to start with to fetch my bike.:eek::eek:

Ive not had to dig that deep for 6 months....it hurt for sure.soft i am...

so went out on my bike zipped up 15 miles and a bit of shopping and got my broadband installed today so when that activates ill post up some pics arriving home after a 30 mile journey for a tdi centre section exhaust in my ruck sack by bike....:eek::eek::eek::eek::cool:

kin hard me Landroverjack.All that sawing and logging makes me really quite stupid...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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