yea i would tend to agree in theory also - though i do remember distinctly grounding out near santa pod really nicely with my rear diff acting more as a ground anchor - its those situations where a little more clearance would be nice

You drove the Santa Pod lanes you mean 40 foot? everyone grounds out in them at some point
Bloody computer's. What were you ranting about.

Pikey's, Ramblers, TW*T's the usual :D

I smashed a pikey in my Vito van today, not hard enough to hurt my bumper, but hard enough to spin the back of his car out and make him hit the central reservation, completely trashing his car :) The cheeky bastard then tried to say it was my fault, luckily there were loads of witness and they all turned on him and his pikey friends. His pikey friend had a fooking pikey bullbar on his fooking pikey wagon, so I pretended to phone the police I and loudly said I wanted to report an illegal vehicle with a dangerous bullbar, which contravevened the 2006 European laws on pedestrian safety. Stoopid pikeys cleared right off !!
i will rant as well - FOOKING COPPERS

nabbed me in an unmarked white beamer for picking up the phone. cünts
i was told if the phone is mounted like a satnav then there is no issue using it when driving obviously not txtin but when on loud speaker its ok anyone know if thats true or bull?
i have no points on my license due mainly to my 68bhp engine my 90 had lol,

Hey Muddy duck are you camping at the anglianlrc event this weekend?
i was told if the phone is mounted like a satnav then there is no issue using it when driving obviously not txtin but when on loud speaker its ok anyone know if thats true or bull?

bull, mine was on speaker so wasnt held to my ear, and i picked up and said 2 secs driving will pull over, slowed down, pulled over and stopped on the side of the road, answered, few seconds later the prats are behind me. i swear they have nothing better to do than victimise ordinary people. theres people driving with no mot, no insurance, no tax, with stolen vehicles and they get the bloke that drives for about 50 yards on the phone whilst looking for a space to stop

O bugger, is that 3 points then ??

it is indeed

i have no points on my license due mainly to my 68bhp engine my 90 had lol,

Hey Muddy duck are you camping at the anglianlrc event this weekend?

same reason i had no points - the phone one realy is a bit of a bitch though. still 3 months away, then africa, then more time away so wont be doing a great deal of uk driving in the next few years anyway
I will look into that all our works phones are blootoothed into the cars and are held in a cradle you can answer them by pressing one button to answer. I have that in my landy but its wired in not bluetoothed.
They can be arsey tho a mate of mine was done for being drunk in chargge of a motorvehicle. He broke up with his wife, drove to a layby got in the back of the landy downed a bottle of whiskey and woke up to the sound of his stereo and the plods banging on the door. Cos his keys were in the ignition for the stereo he was drunk in charge no argument.
I have to say in my opinion the coppers in this country are totally ****ers, they are no better than criminals in uniform. It's no wonder there is no respect for the police.

When I left South Africa everyone, including the criminals had respect for the police, maybe that was because they would shoot your ass if you gave them grief, but either way, they couldn't be assed with minor misdemeanors, and tecnicallities, and filling arrest/fine quotas impossed by a lame assed government, they only go after real criminals, that's if they have time. :) I was in a liquor store when it was robbed at gunpoint and the owner shot. I left 45 minutes later because I got tired of waiting for the police, popped in the next day and the police still hadn't turned up :D

Wonder how they are going to cope with a Football World Cup :rolleyes:
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our lot are a bunch of nazi's - good people get victimised, actual criminals get away with it. nazi pricks with nothing better to do than **** people off and take advantage of their powers.
First off, it is only right that I declare my impartiality in the matter of driving whilst using a mobile. No matter for how short a time or distance.

A friend of mine was killed by someone driving whilst using a mobile.

Anyone who uses a mobile whilst driving is putting their life and the lives of others at risk. There are no ifs or buts. For the sake of less than 100 yards the phone can either go to voicemail or be answered a few rings later. If the call is an emergency the caller will either call back, or leave a message. If it isn't then it is not that important.

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